

She is eclipsed, or gone, or in hiding. But the sixteenth century took her for granted as the object of song; she was a class, a state, a sex. It was scarcely necessary to waste the lyrist's time-

-time that went so gaily to metre as not to brook delays--in making her out too clearly. She had no more of what later times call individuality than has the rose, her rival, her foil when she was kinder, her superior when she was cruel, her ever fresh and ever conventional paragon. She needed not to be devised or divined; she was ready. A merry heart goes all the day; the lyrist's never grew weary. Honest men never grow tired of bread or of any other daily things whereof the sweetness is in their own simplicity.

The lady of the lyrics was not loved in mortal earnest, and her punishment now and then for her ingratitude was to be told that she was loved in jest. She did not love; her fancy was fickle; she was not moved by long service, which, by the way, was evidently to be taken for granted precisely like the whole long past of a dream.

She had not a good temper. When the poet groans it seems that she has laughed at him; when he flouts her, we may understand that she has chidden her lyrist in no temperate terms. In doing this she has sinned not so much against him as against Love. With that she is perpetually reproved. The lyrist complains to Love, pities Love for her scorning, and threatens to go away with Love, who is on his side. The sweetest verse is tuned to love when the loved one proves worthy.

There is no record of success for this policy. She goes on dancing or scolding, as the case may be, and the lyrist goes on boasting of his constancy, or suddenly renounces it for a day. The situation has variants, but no surprise or ending. The lover's convention is explicit enough, but it might puzzle a reader to account for the lady's. Pride in her beauty, at any rate, is hers--pride so great that she cannot bring herself to perceive the shortness of her day.

She is so unobservant as to need to be told that life is brief, and youth briefer than life; that the rose fades, and so forth.

Now we need not assume that the lady of the lyrics ever lived. But taking her as the perfectly unanimous conception of the lyrists, how is it she did not discover these things unaided? Why does the lover invariably imagine her with a mind intensely irritable under his own praise and poetry? Obviously we cannot have her explanation of any of these matters. Why do the poets so much lament the absence of truth in one whose truth would be of little moment? And why was the convention so pleasant, among all others, as to occupy a whole age-- nay, two great ages--of literature?

Music seems to be principally answerable. For the lyrics of the lady are "words for music" by a great majority. There is hardly a single poem in the Elizabethan Song-books, properly so named, that has what would in our day be called a tone of sentiment. Music had not then the tone herself; she was ingenious, and so must the words be. She had the air of epigram, and an accurately definite limit.

So, too, the lady of the lyrics, who might be called the lady of the stanzas, so strictly does she go by measure. When she is quarrelsome, it is but fuguishness; when she dances, she does it by a canon. She could not but be perverse, merrily sung to such grave notes.

So fixed was the law of this perversity that none in the song-books is allowed to be kind enough for a "melody," except one lady only.

She may thus derogate, for the exceedingly Elizabethan reason that she is "brown." She is brown and kind, and a "sad flower," but the song made for her would have been too insipid, apparently, without an antithesis. The fair one is warned that her disdain makes her even less lovely than the brown.

  • 佛说甚深大回向经


  • 家庭宝筏


  • 台湾外记


  • 太上灵宝净明飞仙度人经法


  • 真言要决


  • 小炒店


  • 我和我上司


  • 主宰魔天


  • 褚氏遗书


  • 传染病防治手册


    禽流感、手足口病、甲型H1N1流感、非典、口蹄疫、炭疽、水痘、麻 疹……这些都是传播很广、危害性很强的传染病性疾病。如何不小心预防 ,就会对个人、社会造成很大的负面影响。本书针对以上诸多传染病,介 绍了它们的防治方法,可作为一般性科普读物阅读。
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  • 极度领悟


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  • 拒染豪门:帝少的首席逃妻


  • 李劼人说成都


    懒散近乎“随时随地找舒服”。以坐茶馆为喻罢,成才人坐茶馆,虽与重庆人的理由一样,然而他喜爱的则是矮矮的桌子,矮矮的竹椅——虽不一定是竹椅,总多关是竹椅变化出来,矮而有靠背,可以半躺半坐的坐具—— 地面不必十分干净,而桌面总可以邋遢点而不嫌打脏衣服,如此一下坐下来,身心泰然,所差者,只是长长一声感叹。本书从李劼人小说中分门别类,节录出有关成都文明发展的大量文字,如清末的叽咕车(鸡公车)到抗战时的木炭汽车,足以见出成都交通的一个侧面。所有这些变迁的实录,后人完全可以视为一代信史。 其中收入本书的《成都是一个古城》和《旧帐》,都是一九四九年后没有公开发表过的。