

The duc de la Vauguyon and the comtesse du Barry--The marquis de Chauvelin and the comtesse--M. de Montbarrey and the comtesse--Intrigues--Lebel--Arrival of the du Barry family--The comte d'Hargicourt--The demoiselles du Barry--Marriage of the comtesse--The marquis de Bonrepos--Correspondences--The broken glassThe prince de Soubise was not the only person who wished to act in the capacity of mentor to me. M. the duc de la Vauguyon attempted also to be the guide of my youth. This nobleman was too much of a Jesuit not to have a nose of prodigiously fine scent.

He perceived that the wind was in my favor, and approached me in consequence. I have mentioned to you his first visit, and he made me a second a few days afterwards. He appeared very affable, very conciliating, and insisted particularly several times, and that without any apparent motive, that the king, not being now engaged in the ties of wedlock, he should choose some agreeable companion, and assuredly could not do better than select me. The day after this visit, early in the morning, the duke sent me a splendid bouquet, a homage which he afterwards repeated, and then called on me a third time.

During this visit after a conversation on the embarrassments of an introduction at Versailles, he proposed that I should avoid them.

"You cannot conceal from yourself," he said, "how powerful will be the cabal against you; and, without including the Choiseuls, you will have especially to fear the pious party, who will only see in your intimacy with the king, allow me to say, a crying scandal, and one not profitable for religion.""If the pious party unite with those who are not so to destroy me," I rejoined, laughing, "I shall have all France against me.""No; but perhaps all the chateau. But there is a way of averting the storm. Attach yourself to the party of honest men who have been so greatly calumniated--the Jesuits. Philosophy, supported by the duc de Choiseul, has repressed them; but the high clergy and the <mesdames royales> are attached strongly to them, and you would interest them in your fortune by favoring these worthy fathers.""What! monsieur le duc," cried I, "will <messeigneurs> the clergy of France, and <mesdames royales> and their suite be favorable to me, if I use my influence with the king in espousing the cause of the society of Jesus?""Certainly, madame, and I am authorized to promise you. I give you my word for this. Endeavor to re-establish the order, and there will not be one of us but will be zealous in supporting you.""I certainly am desirous of pleasing your friends; but I can see that, from the first moment of my appearance at court, I shall be at open war with the Choiseuls and the parliaments.""What matters it? I confess that the victory will not be easy at first, but there is no need to exaggerate the difficulties. It is true that the king has esteem for the duc de Choiseul, but he has much affection for you, which avails much more.

"As for the parliaments, he hates them, and for many years has been desirous of ridding himself of them entirely, and he will effect this by the help of God and your interference.""This will be hard work for one so weak as I am.""Oh, you are sufficiently powerful, I assure you. Only confide in me, the intermediary between you and my friends, let me guide you, and I will steer to the right port. What do you think of this, madame?""Oh! monsieur le duc, it is not at a moment that we can give a positive reply to such grave matters. I content myself in assuring you, that I have for you as much confidence as respect, and should be very happy to obtain your protection.""My protection! Oh, heaven, madame, you are jesting. It is I whoshould be honored by your friendship.""It is yours; but as yet I am nothing at court, and can do nothing there until I have been presented. It is for my speedy presentation that my friends should labor now.""We will not fail, madame; and if you will allow me to come from time to time to converse with you, we can take our measures.""Your visits will always be agreeable."

Such was the conversation which I had with the duc de la Vauguyon.

I have given it somewhat at length, because it was the preface to a deep intrigue which made a vast noise. I think I extricated myself very well from the net in which the duke sought to catch me. I knew that his situation at Versailles compelled me to act with caution towards him. He was in good odor with <mesdames>, had the ear of the young dauphin and the princes his brothers. He deceived me like a true Jesuit as he was, in telling me that the <mesdames>

were well disposed towards me ; and on my side I cheated him with a promise of confidence and, friendship which I never bestowed.

Ah! my friend, again and again must I exclaim, what a villainous place is a court!

Whilst the duc de la Vauguyon was seeking to enlist me under the banners of heaven or the Jesuits, the marquis of Chauvelin also essayed to make me his pupil; but as frank as he was amiable, this nobleman did not go to work in a roundabout manner. He came to me loyally, requesting me to consider his interests and mine.

  • 六十种曲飞丸记


  • 蜀梼杌


  • 送张侍御赴郴州别驾


  • 大乘密嚴經


  • 佛说辟除诸恶陀罗尼经


  • 恭拜我的黑羽殿下


  • 巫神鬼之恋Ⅱ:北岸之云


  • 万世之霸道至尊


  • 密爱


  • 兽霸九天


  • 浪漫青春成长梦


  • 听话是一种病(财蜜eMook)


    大学毕业参加一个NGO去云南支教,老爸的第一反应是:“你这么不听话叫我们怎么活啊!”老妈的反应是:“四年大学白费了,我们下半辈子的幸福都毁了!”街坊的讨论是:“这孩子这么不听话,疯了吧?” 哇,原来选一条不那么寻常的路就叫“不听话”,后果是父母活不了、幸福皆毁掉,还有被送进精神病院的风险。 可是作为一个一直坚持“我觉醒——我选择——我承担——我快乐”的女同学,我怎么能在选择之后就卡壳呢?经过各种艰苦的沟通(细节我就不在这里多说了),我总算得偿所愿。后来老爸还去了一趟云南,仔细考察了有没有发生泥石流的危险;我住的小窝会不会被地震震塌;我的小朋友会不会欺负我,然后放心地走了。
  • 都市之仙武传奇


  • 老狐狸说话心经(大全集)


    子日:“巧言令色,鲜矣仁!”老狐狸却说:“巧言令色,助你成功。”须知,成功者的故事里,从来都没有侥幸。狮子把羊叫来,问他能不能闻到自己嘴里发出的臭味。羊说:“能闻到”,狮子咬掉了这个傻瓜蛋的头。接着,他又把狼召来,用同样的问题问狼。狼说:“闻不到。”狮子把这个阿谀奉承的家伙咬得鲜血淋漓。最后,狐狸被召来了,狮子也用同样的问题问他,狐狸看看周围的情形,说: “大王,我患了感冒,闻不到什么味。”于是活了下来。马雅可夫斯基曾说: “语言是人的力量的统帅。"一个人想获得成功,必须具有能够应付一切的口才。
  • 绝世逆战

