

As the privileges of the side-table--besides including the small prerogatives of sitting next the toast, and taking, two cups of tea to other people's one, and always taking them at a crisis, that is to say, before putting fresh water into the tea-pot, and after it had been standing for some time--also comprehended a full view of the company, and an opportunity of addressing them as from a rostrum, Mrs. Gamp discharged the functions entrusted to her with extreme good-humour and affability. Sometimes resting her saucer on the palm of her outspread hand, and supporting her elbow on the table, she stopped between her sips of tea to favour the circle with a smile, a wink, a roll of the head, or some other mark of notice; and at those periods her countenance was lighted up with a degree of intelligence and vivacity, which it was almost impossible to separate from the benignant influence of distilled waters.

But for Mrs. Gamp, it would have been a curiously silent party. Miss Pecksniff only spoke to her Augustus, and to him in whispers. Augustus spoke to nobody, but sighed for every one, and occasionally gave himself such a sounding slap upon the forehead as would make Mrs. Todgers, who was rather nervous, start in her chair with an involuntary exclamation.

Mrs. Todgers was occupied in knitting, and seldom spoke. Poor Merry held the hand of cheerful little Ruth between her own, and listening with evident pleasure to all she said, but rarely speaking herself, sometimes smiled, and sometimes kissed her on the cheek, and sometimes turned aside to hide the tears that trembled in her eyes. Tom felt this change in her so much, and was so glad to see how tenderly Ruth dealt with her, and how she knew and answered to it, that he had not the heart to make any movement towards their departure, although he had long since given utterance to all he came to say.

The old clerk, subsiding into his usual state, remained profoundly silent, while the rest of the little assembly were thus occupied, intent upon the dreams, whatever they might be, which hardly seemed to stir the surface of his sluggish thoughts. The bent of these dull fancies combining probably with the silent feasting that was going on about him, and some struggling recollection of the last approach to revelry he had witnessed, suggested a strange question to his mind. He looked round upon a sudden, and said, `Who's lying dead up-stairs?'

`No one,' said Merry, turning to him. `What is the matter? We are all here.'

`All here!' cried the old man. `All here! Where is he then--my old master, Mr. Chuzzlewit, who had the only son? Where is he?'

`Hush! Hush!' said Merry, speaking kindly to him. `That happened long ago. Don't you recollect?'

`Recollect!' rejoined the old man, with a cry of grief. `As if I could forget! As if I ever could forget!'

He put his hand up to his face for a moment; and then repeated turning round exactly as before `Who's lying dead up-stairs?'

`No one!' said Merry.

At first he gazed angrily upon her, as upon a stranger who endeavoured to deceive him; but peering into her face, and seeing that it was indeed she, he shook his head in sorrowful compassion.

`You think not. But they don't tell you. No, no, poor thing! They don't tell you. Who are these, and why are they merry-making here, if there is no one dead? Foul play! Go see who it is!'

She made a sign to them not to speak to him, which indeed they had little inclination to do; and remained silent herself. So did he for a short time; but then he repeated the same question with an eagerness that had a peculiar terror in it.

`There's some one dead,' he said, `or dying; and I want to knows who it is. Go see, go see! Where's Jonas?'

`In the country,' she replied.

The old man gazed at her as if he doubted what she said, or had not heard her; and, rising from his chair, walked across the room and up-stairs, whispering as he went, `Foul play!' They heard his footsteps overhead, going up into that corner of the room in which the bed stood (it was there old Anthony had died); and then they heard him coming down again immediately.

His fancy was not so strong or wild that it pictured to him anything in the deserted bedchamber which was not there; for he returned much calmer, and appeared to have satisfied himself.

`They don't tell you,' he said to Merry in his quavering voice, as he sat down again, and patted her upon the head. `They don't tell me either; but I'll watch, I'll watch. They shall not hurt you; don't be frightened.

When you have sat up watching, I have sat up watching too. Aye, aye, I have!' he piped out, clenching his weak, shrivelled hand. `Many a night I have been ready!'

He said this with such trembling gaps and pauses in his want of breath, and said it in his jealous secrecy so closely in her ear, that little or nothing of it was understood by the visitors. But they had heard and seen enough of the old man to be disquieted, and to have left their seats and gathered about him; thereby affording Mrs. Gamp, whose professional coolness was not so easily disturbed, an eligible opportunity for concentrating the whole resources of her powerful mind and appetite upon the toast and butter, tea and eggs. She had brought them to bear upon those viands with such vigour that her face was in the highest state of inflammation, when she now (there being nothing left to eat or drink) saw fit to interpose.

`Why, highty tighty, sir!' cried Mrs. Gamp, `is these your manners?

You want a pitcher of cold water throw'd over you to bring you round; that's my belief; and if you was under Betsey Prig you'd have it, too, I do assure you, Mr. Chuffey. Spanish Flies is the only thing to draw this nonsense out of you; and if anybody wanted to do you a kindness, they'd clap a blister of 'em on your head, and put a mustard poultige on your back. `Tho's dead, indeed! It wouldn't be no grievous loss if some one was, I think!'

`He's quiet now, Mrs. Gamp,' said Merry. `Don't disturb him.'

  • 诸蕃志


  • 佛祖正传古今捷录并拈颂


  • 青楼集


  • 啸亭续录


  • 佛说越难经


  • 世界地理之谜总集(求知探索系列丛书)


  • 狼颖溢血之君子泪


  • 蔷薇三生花


  • 放手,遇见幸福:微信疯传之唯美哲理


  • 暴走神锋


  • 张中行散文:人物卷


  • 长门娇后


  • 百合的香水味续集


  • 重建中文之美书系立场


  • 马克思主义说明


    马克思何许人也?他到底说了些什么?这本小书正是要介绍他的思想、生平与著作,提供一个逻辑清晰而又不失笑点的全面视角,把漫画与哲学、幽默感与整合概括的学术精神相结合,通过其现实性来展现这位反资本主义理论巨匠的思想。 马克思长久不衰的名气正是来自于他对于资本主义内在矛盾及其危机的阐释。为了更深一步地了解下去,在本书中我们将读到有关资本的侦探小说——《追忆逝水价值》。我们还将重新追踪资本积累的机制,直到洞悉商品拜物教的秘密。 本书既是一份备忘录,也是一堂导论课程,同时还是一本趣味读物,本书是一个思想与行动的工具箱。