
第16章 The Secret Garden(8)

Dr. Simon sprang to his feet impatiently. "I have no time to spare on such senseless talk," he cried angrily. "If you can't understand a man being on one side of a wall or the other, I won't trouble you further.""Doctor," said the cleric very gently, "we have always got on very pleasantly together. If only for the sake of old friendship, stop and tell me your fifth question."The impatient Simon sank into a chair by the door and said briefly: "The head and shoulders were cut about in a queer way.

It seemed to be done after death."

"Yes," said the motionless priest, "it was done so as to make you assume exactly the one simple falsehood that you did assume.

It was done to make you take for granted that the head belonged to the body."The borderland of the brain, where all the monsters are made, moved horribly in the Gaelic O'Brien. He felt the chaotic presence of all the horse-men and fish-women that man's unnatural fancy has begotten. A voice older than his first fathers seemed saying in his ear: "Keep out of the monstrous garden where grows the tree with double fruit. Avoid the evil garden where died the man with two heads." Yet, while these shameful symbolic shapes passed across the ancient mirror of his Irish soul, his Frenchified intellect was quite alert, and was watching the odd priest as closely and incredulously as all the rest.

Father Brown had turned round at last, and stood against the window, with his face in dense shadow; but even in that shadow they could see it was pale as ashes. Nevertheless, he spoke quite sensibly, as if there were no Gaelic souls on earth.

"Gentlemen," he said, "you did not find the strange body of Becker in the garden. You did not find any strange body in the garden. In face of Dr. Simon's rationalism, I still affirm that Becker was only partly present. Look here!" (pointing to the black bulk of the mysterious corpse) "you never saw that man in your lives. Did you ever see this man?"He rapidly rolled away the bald, yellow head of the unknown, and put in its place the white-maned head beside it. And there, complete, unified, unmistakable, lay Julius K. Brayne.

"The murderer," went on Brown quietly, "hacked off his enemy's head and flung the sword far over the wall. But he was too clever to fling the sword only. He flung the head over the wall also.

Then he had only to clap on another head to the corpse, and (as he insisted on a private inquest) you all imagined a totally new man.""Clap on another head!" said O'Brien staring. "What other head? Heads don't grow on garden bushes, do they?""No," said Father Brown huskily, and looking at his boots;"there is only one place where they grow. They grow in the basket of the guillotine, beside which the chief of police, Aristide Valentin, was standing not an hour before the murder. Oh, my friends, hear me a minute more before you tear me in pieces.

Valentin is an honest man, if being mad for an arguable cause is honesty. But did you never see in that cold, grey eye of his that he is mad! He would do anything, anything, to break what he calls the superstition of the Cross. He has fought for it and starved for it, and now he has murdered for it. Brayne's crazy millions had hitherto been scattered among so many sects that they did little to alter the balance of things. But Valentin heard a whisper that Brayne, like so many scatter-brained sceptics, was drifting to us; and that was quite a different thing. Brayne would pour supplies into the impoverished and pugnacious Church of France; he would support six Nationalist newspapers like The Guillotine. The battle was already balanced on a point, and the fanatic took flame at the risk. He resolved to destroy the millionaire, and he did it as one would expect the greatest of detectives to commit his only crime. He abstracted the severed head of Becker on some criminological excuse, and took it home in his official box. He had that last argument with Brayne, that Lord Galloway did not hear the end of; that failing, he led him out into the sealed garden, talked about swordsmanship, used twigs and a sabre for illustration, and--"Ivan of the Scar sprang up. "You lunatic," he yelled; "you'll go to my master now, if I take you by--""Why, I was going there," said Brown heavily; "I must ask him to confess, and all that."Driving the unhappy Brown before them like a hostage or sacrifice, they rushed together into the sudden stillness of Valentin's study.

The great detective sat at his desk apparently too occupied to hear their turbulent entrance. They paused a moment, and then something in the look of that upright and elegant back made the doctor run forward suddenly. A touch and a glance showed him that there was a small box of pills at Valentin's elbow, and that Valentin was dead in his chair; and on the blind face of the suicide was more than the pride of Cato.

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  • 毕业后我们裸婚


    一幕关于毕业生的蚁族生存剧,一本关于80后的裸婚故事!这是 一部关于大学生奉子裸婚的故事。小说中涉及了房奴、蚁族、就业、小三等一系列社会话题。两个大学刚毕业的年轻人,收入仅3000元,甚至女孩还有身孕,而男孩工作不久,新来的上司竟然是他的前女友…….他们,在北京这样一个物欲横流的都市里,又会怎样上演属于他们的剧目?最初的美好与最后的纠结。京味的调侃,悲情的戏剧,让你笑中带泪!【本书出版方只授权部分章节供您免费阅读,阅读全本请购买正版实体书】
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    本书以颠覆性科技为主题,文章包括颠覆商业世界的十个趋势、扬帆海外:中国国企的世界梦、关乎2500亿美元: 如果中国不能填补高技能人才缺口、地方政府融资模式探讨、本土车企如何实现“中国梦”?等。作者为麦肯锡全球各分支机构的董事和顾问等。本书可供中国企业高管和相关研究人员参考、阅读。
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