(Strange to say, he doesn't seem to have been jealous of Samsonov, which is psychologically interesting.) Then he hastens back to his ambush in the back gardens, and then learns that Smerdyakov is in a fit, that the other servant is ill- the coast is clear and he knows the 'signals'- what a temptation! Still he resists it; he goes off to a lady who has for some time been residing in the town, and who is highly esteemed among us, Madame Hohlakov.That lady, who had long watched his career with compassion, gave him the most judicious advice, to give up his dissipated life, his unseemly love-affair, the waste of his youth and vigour in pot-house debauchery, and to set off to Siberia to the gold mines: 'that would be an outlet for your turbulent energies, your romantic character, your thirst for adventure.'"After describing the result of this conversation and the moment when the prisoner learnt that Grushenka had not remained at Samsonov's, the sudden frenzy of the luckless man worn out with jealousy and nervous exhaustion, at the thought that she had deceived him and was now with his father, Ippolit Kirillovitch concluded by dwelling upon the fatal influence of chance."Had the maid told him that her mistress was at Mokroe with her former lover, nothing would have happened.But she lost her head, she could only swear and protest her ignorance, and if the prisoner did not kill her on the spot, it was only because he flew in pursuit of his false mistress.
"But note, frantic as he was, he took with him a brass pestle.Why that? Why not some other weapon? But since he had been contemplating his plan and preparing himself for it for a whole month, he would snatch up anything like a weapon that caught his eye.He had realised for a month past that any object of the kind would serve as a weapon, so he instantly, without hesitation, recognised that it would serve his purpose.So it was by no means unconsciously, by no means involuntarily, that he snatched up that fatal pestle.And then we find him in his father's garden- the coast is clear, there are no witnesses, darkness and jealousy.The suspicion that she was there, with him, with his rival, in his arms, and perhaps laughing at him at that moment- took his breath away.And it was not mere suspicion, the deception was open, obvious.She must be there, in that lighted room, she must be behind the screen; and the unhappy man would have us believe that he stole up to the window, peeped respectfully in, and discreetly withdrew, for fear something terrible and immoral should happen.And he tries to persuade us of that, us, who understand his character, who know his state of mind at the moment, and that he knew the signals by which he could at once enter the house." At this point Ippolit Kirillovitch broke off to discuss exhaustively the suspected connection of Smerdyakov with the murder.He did this very circumstantially, and everyone realised that, although he professed to despise that suspicion, he thought the subject of great importance.
Chapter 8
A Treatise on Smerdyakov"TO begin with, what was the source of this suspicion?" (Ippolit Kirillovitch began)."The first person who cried out that Smerdyakov had committed the murder was the prisoner himself at the moment of his arrest, yet from that time to this he had not brought forward a single fact to confirm the charge, nor the faintest suggestion of a fact.The charge is confirmed by three persons only- the two brothers of the prisoner and Madame Svyetlov.The elder of these brothers expressed his suspicions only to-day, when he was undoubtedly suffering from brain fever.But we know that for the last two months he has completely shared our conviction of his brother's guilt and did not attempt to combat that idea.But of that later.The younger brother has admitted that he has not the slightest fact to support his notion of Smerdyakov's guilt, and has only been led to that conclusion from the prisoner's own words and the expression of his face.Yes, that astounding piece of evidence has been brought forward twice to-day by him.Madame Svyetslov was even more astounding.'What the prisoner tells you, you must believe; he is not a man to tell a lie.' That is all the evidence against Smerdyakov produced by these three persons.who are all deeply concerned in the prisoner's fate.
And yet the theory of Smerdyakov's guilt has been noised about, has been and is still maintained.Is it credible? Is it conceivable?"Here Ippolit Kirillovitch thought it necessary to describe the personality of Smerdyakov, "who had cut short his life in a fit of insanity." He depicted him as a man of weak intellect, with a smattering of education, who had been thrown off his balance by philosophical ideas above his level and certain modern theories of duty, which he learnt in practice from the reckless life of his master, who was also perhaps his father- Fyodor Pavlovitch; and, theoretically, from various strange philosophical conversations with his master's elder son, Ivan Fyodorovitch, who readily indulged in this diversion, probably feeling dull or wishing to amuse himself at the valet's expense."He spoke to me himself of his spiritual condition during the last few days at his father's house," Ippolit Kirillovitch explained; "but others too have borne witness to it-the prisoner himself, his brother, and the servant Grigory- that is, all who knew him well.
"Moreover, Smerdyakov, whose health was shaken by his attacks of epilepsy, had not the courage of a chicken.'He fell at my feet and kissed them,' the prisoner himself has told us, before he realised how damaging such a statement was to himself.'He is an epileptic chicken,' he declared about him in his characteristic language.And the prisoner chose him for his confidant (we have his own word for it)and he frightened him into consenting at last to act as a spy for him.