

"What is the matter?" he said, in a gentle tone of voice, "and who is it making this disturbance?"It so happened, that, at the moment he began to speak, silence had just been restored, and, although his voice was very soft and gentle in its tone, every one heard his question.Buckingham turned round; and looked at the tall, thin figure, and the listless expression of countenance of his questioner.Probably the personal appearance of Manicamp, who was dressed very plainly, did not inspire him with much respect, for he replied disdainfully, "Who may you be, monsieur?"Manicamp, leaning on the arm of a gigantic trooper, as firm as the pillar of a cathedral, replied in his usual tranquil tone of voice, -- "And you, monsieur?""I, monsieur, am the Duke of Buckingham; I have hired all the houses which surround the Hotel de Ville, where I have business to transact; and as these houses are let, they belong to me, and, as I hired them in order to preserve the right of free access to the Hotel de Ville, you are not justified in preventing me passing to it.""But who prevents you passing, monsieur?" inquired Manicamp.

"Your sentinels."

"Because you wish to pass on horseback, and orders have been given to let only persons on foot pass.""No one has any right to give orders here, except myself,"said Buckingham.

"On what grounds?" inquired Manicamp, with his soft tone.

"Will you do me the favor to explain this enigma to me?""Because, as I have already told you, I have hired all the houses looking on the square.""We are very well aware of that, since nothing but the square itself has been left for us.""You are mistaken, monsieur; the square belongs to me, as well as the houses in it.""Forgive me, monsieur, but you are mistaken there.In our country, we say, the highway belongs to the king, therefore this square is his majesty's; and, consequently, as we are the king's ambassadors, the square belongs to us.""I have already asked you who you are, monsieur," exclaimed Buckingham, exasperated at the coolness of his interlocutor.

"My name is Manicamp," replied the young man, in a voice whose tones were as harmonious and sweet as the notes of an AEolian harp.

Buckingham shrugged his shoulders contemptuously, and said, "When I hired these houses which surround the Hotel de Ville, the square was unoccupied; these barracks obstruct my sight; I hereby order them to be removed."A hoarse and angry murmur ran through the crowd of listeners at these words.De Guiche arrived at this moment; he pushed through the crowd which separated him from Buckingham, and, followed by Raoul, arrived on the scene of action from one side, just as De Wardes came up from the other."Pardon me, my lord; but if you have any complaint to make, have the goodness to address it to me, inasmuch as it was I who supplied the plans for the construction of these tents.""Moreover, I would beg you to observe, monsieur, that the term `barrack' is a highly objectionable one!" added Manicamp, graciously.

"You were saying, monsieur -- " continued De Guiche.

"I was saying, monsieur le comte," resumed Buckingham, in a tone of anger more marked than ever, although in some measure moderated by the presence of an equal, "I was saying that it is impossible these tents can remain where they are.""Impossible!" exclaimed De Guiche, "and why?""Because I object to them."

A movement of impatience escaped De Guiche, but a warning glance from Raoul restrained him.

"You should the less object to them, monsieur, on account of the abuse of priority you have permitted yourself to exercise.""Abuse!"

"Most assuredly.You commission a messenger, who hires in your name the whole of the town of Havre, without considering the members of the French court, who would be sure to arrive here to meet Madame.Your Grace will admit that this is hardly friendly conduct in the representative of a friendly nation.""The right of possession belongs to him who is first on the ground.""Not in France, monsieur."

"Why not in France?"

"Because France is a country where politeness is observed.""Which means!" exclaimed Buckingham, in so violent a manner that those who were present drew back, expecting an immediate collision.

"Which means, monsieur," replied De Guiche, now rather pale, "that I caused these tents to be raised as habitations for myself and my friends, as a shelter for the ambassadors of France, as the only place of refuge which your exactions have left us in the town; and that I and those who are with me, shall remain in them, at least, until an authority more powerful, and more supreme, than your own shall dismiss me from them.""In other words, until we are ejected, as the lawyers say,"observed Manicamp, blandly.

"I know an authority, monsieur, which I trust is such as you will respect," said Buckingham, placing his hand on his sword.

At this moment, and as the goddess of Discord, inflaming all minds, was about to direct their swords against each other, Raoul gently placed his hand on Buckingham's shoulder."One word, my lord," he said.

"My right, my right, first of all," exclaimed the fiery young man.

"It is precisely upon that point I wish to have the honor of addressing a word to you.""Very well, monsieur, but let your remarks be brief.""One question is all I ask; you can hardly expect me to be briefer.""Speak, monsieur, I am listening."

"Are you, or is the Duke of Orleans, going to marry the granddaughter of Henry IV.?""What do you mean?" exclaimed Buckingham, retreating a few steps, bewildered.

  • 艺圃撷余


  • 西南纪事


  • 中论


  • 炎凉岸


  • 证道歌注


  • 格格的真命天子


  • 民国那些年


    民国时期是一个风云际会、跌宕起伏的大时代:大大小小的军阀相互攻伐、形形色色的思想开启民智、三六九等的人物悉数登场,更有将中华民族推到生死边缘的外敌入侵。 孙中山依靠“黑社会”九次起义;阎锡山在山西掌权38年绝非偶然;毛泽东领导安源路旷工人大罢工始末,“性欲博士”张竟生曾向社会公开征集“性史”;杨开慧曾被学校开除,打破中国男女同校之始;揭秘1923年临城火车大劫案:险招致美国出兵……本书以编年体的叙述方式,以独特视角解读了民国时期的重大事件和人物。也极力还原了他们在那个时代的经济、政治、文化、生活等方面的全貌,进而为当今世人留下一幅别开生面的民国时期珍贵全景图。
  • 每个人的一生都是一次远行


    以校园搞笑风格为主题的爱情短篇集。故事纯爱、温暖、搞笑之余更让人动情。 “看她的小说如同与文字谈一场恋爱,从心动到爱上小说中的主角,这个过程让人如此期待又如此向往。
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  • 中华起名全典


  • 红楼之女儿当自强


  • 无爱承婚


  • 养尸..more


  • 异世天娇

