"Yes,"I went on,"we do,indeed;"and I again smiled benignly as I uttered that amazing lie."We come to stay with you a little while,and bless you by our sojourn.Ye will see,O friends,that I have prepared myself by learning your language.""It is so,it is so,"said the chorus."Only,my lord,"put in the old gentleman,"thou hast learned it very badly."I cast an indignant glance at him and he quailed.
"Now,friends,"I continued,"ye might think that after so long a journey we should find it in our hearts to avenge such a reception,mayhap to strike cold in death the impious hand that -that,in short -threw a knife at the head of him whose teeth come and go.""Spare him,my lords,"said the old man,in supplication;"he is the king's son,and I am his uncle.If anything befalls him his blood will be required at my hands.""Yes,that is certainly so,"put in the young man with great emphasis.
"You may perhaps doubt our power to avenge,"I went on,heedless of this by-play."Stay,I will show you.Here,you dog and slave"(addressing Umbopa in a savage tone),"give me the magic tube that speaks;"and I tipped a wink towards my express rifle.
Umbopa rose to the occasion,and with something as nearly resembling a grin as I have ever seen on his dignified face,handed me the rifle.
"It is here,O lord of lords,"he said,with a deep obeisance.
Now,just before I asked for the rifle I had perceived a little klipspringer antelope standing on a mass of rock about seventy yards away,and determined to risk a shot at it.
"Ye see that buck,"I said,pointing the animal out to the party before me."Tell me,is it possible for man,born of woman,to kill it from here with a noise?""It is not possible,my lord,"answered the old man.
"Yet shall I kill it,"I said,quietly.
The old man smiled."That my lord cannot do,"he said.
I raised the rifle,and covered the buck.It was a small animal,and one which one might well be excused for missing,but I knew that it would not do to miss.
I drew a deep breath,and slowly pressed on the trigger.The buck stood still as stone.
"Bang!thud!"The buck sprang into the air and fell on the rock dead as a door-nail.
A groan of terror burst from the group before us.
"If ye want meat,"I remarked,coolly,"go fetch that buck."The old man made a sign and one of his followers departed,and presently returned bearing the klipspringer.I noticed,with satisfaction,that I had hit it fairly behind the shoulder.They gathered round the poor creature's body,gazing at the bullet-hole in consternation.
"Ye see,"I said,"I do not speak empty words."There was no answer.
"If ye yet doubt our power,"I went on,"let one of ye go stand upon that rock,that I may make him as this buck."None of them seemed at all inclined to take the hint,till at last the king's son spoke.
"It is well said.Do thou,my uncle,go stand upon the rock.It is but a buck that the magic has killed.Surely it cannot kill a man."The old gentleman did not take the suggestion in good part.Indeed,he seemed hurt.
"No!no!"he ejaculated,hastily;"my old eyes have seen enough.
These are wizards,indeed.Let us bring them to the king.Yet if any should wish a further proof,let him stand upon the rock,that the magic tube may speak with him."There was a most general and hasty expression of dissent.