
第178章 BOOK X(30)

And then either party encountered with other,and there were many spears broken,and many knights cast under feet.So there came in Sir Dornard and Sir Aglovale,that were brethren unto Sir Lamorak,and they met with other two knights,and either smote other so hard that all four knights and horses fell to the earth.When Sir Lamorak saw his two brethren down he was wroth out of measure,and then he gat a great spear in his hand,and therewithal he smote down four good knights,and then his spear brake.Then he pulled out his sword,and smote about him on the right hand and on the left hand,and raced off helms and pulled down knights,that all men marvelled of such deeds of arms as he did,for he fared so that many knights fled.Then he horsed his brethren again,and said:Brethren,ye ought to be ashamed to fall so off your horses!what is a knight but when he is on horseback?I set not by a knight when he is on foot,for all battles on foot are but pillers'

battles.For there should no knight fight on foot but if it were for treason,or else he were driven thereto by force;therefore,brethren,sit fast on your horses,or else fight never more afore me.

With that came in the Duke Chaleins of Clarance,and there encountered with him the Earl Ulbawes of Surluse,and either of them smote other down.Then the knights of both parties horsed their lords again,for Sir Ector and Bleoberis were on foot,waiting on the Duke Chaleins.And the King with the Hundred Knights was with the Earl of Ulbawes.With that came Gaheris and lashed to the King with the Hundred Knights,and he to him again.Then came the Duke Chaleins and departed them.

Then they blew to lodging,and the knights unarmed them and drew them to their dinner;and at the midst of their dinner in came Dinadan and began to rail.Then he beheld the haut prince,that seemed wroth with some fault that he saw;for he had a custom he loved no fish,and because he was served with fish,the which he hated,therefore he was not merry.When Sir Dinadan had espied the haut prince,he espied where was a fish with a great head,and that he gat betwixt two dishes,and served the haut prince with that fish.And then he said thus:Sir Galahalt,well may I liken you to a wolf,for he will never eat fish,but flesh;then the haut prince laughed at his words.Well,well,said Dinadan to Launcelot,what devil do ye in this country,for here may no mean knights win no worship for thee.Sir Dinadan,said Launcelot,I ensure thee I shall no more meet with thee nor with thy great spear,for I may not sit in my saddle when that spear hitteth me.And if I be happy Ishall beware of that boistous body that thou bearest.

Well,said Launcelot,make good watch ever:God forbid that ever we meet but if it be at a dish of meat.

Then laughed the queen and the haut prince,that they might not sit at their table;thus they made great joy till on the morn,and then they heard mass,and blew to field.And Queen Guenever and all the estates were set,and judges armed clean with their shields to keep the right.


Of the seventh battle,and how Sir Launcelot,being disguised like a maid,smote down Sir Dinadan.

NOW beginneth the seventh battle.There came in the Duke Cambines,and there encountered with him Sir Aristance,that was counted a good knight,and they met so hard that either bare other down,horse and man.Then came there the Earl of Lambaile and helped the duke again to horse.Then came there Sir Ossaise of Surluse,and he smote the Earl Lambaile down from his horse.Then began they to do great deeds of arms,and many spears were broken,and many knights were cast to the earth.

Then the King of Northgalis and the Earl Ulbawes smote together that all the judges thought it was like mortal death.This meanwhile Queen Guenever,and the haut prince,and Sir Launcelot,made there Sir Dinadan make him ready to joust.I would,said Dinadan,ride into the field,but then one of you twain will meet with me.

Per dieu,said the haut prince,ye may see how we sit here as judges with our shields,and always mayest thou behold whether we sit here or not.

So Sir Dinadan departed and took his horse,and met with many knights,and did passing well.And as he was departed,Sir Launcelot disguised himself,and put upon his armour a maiden's garment freshly attired.Then Sir Launcelot made Sir Galihodin to lead him through the range,and all men had wonder what damosel it was.And so as Sir Dinadan came into the range,Sir Launcelot,that was in the damosel's array,gat Galihodin's spear,and ran unto Sir Dinadan.And always Sir Dinadan looked up thereas Sir Launcelot was,and then he saw one sit in the stead of Sir Launcelot,armed.But when Dinadan saw a manner of a damosel he dread perils that it was Sir Launcelot disguised,but Sir Launcelot came on him so fast that he smote him over his horse's croup;and then with great scorns they gat Sir Dinadan into the forest there beside,and there they dispoiled him unto his shirt,and put upon him a woman's garment,and so brought him into the field:and so they blew unto lodging.And every knight went and unarmed them.Then was Sir Dinadan brought in among them all.And when Queen Guenever saw Sir Dinadan brought so among them all,then she laughed that she fell down,and so did all that there were.Well,said Dinadan to Launcelot,thou art so false that I can never beware of thee.Then by all the assent they gave Sir Launcelot the prize,the next was Sir Lamorak de Galis,the third was Sir Palomides,the fourth was King Bagdemagus;so these four knights had the prize,and there was great joy,and great nobley in all the court.

And on the morn Queen Guenever and Sir Launcelot departed unto King Arthur,but in no wise Sir Lamorak would not go with them.I shall undertake,said Sir Launcelot,that an ye will go with us King Arthur shall charge Sir Gawaine and his brethren never to do you hurt.

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