
第6章 ACT I(6)

Rank.Certainly.However wretched I may feel,I want to prolong the agony as long as possible.All my patients are like that.And so are those who are morally diseased;one of them,and a bad case too,is at this very moment with Helmer--Mrs.Linde (sadly).Ah!

Nora.Whom do you mean?

Rank.A lawyer of the name of Krogstad,a fellow you don't know at all.He suffers from a diseased moral character,Mrs.Helmer;but even he began talking of its being highly important that he should live.

Nora.Did he?What did he want to speak to Torvald about?

Rank.I have no idea;I only heard that it was something about the Bank.

Nora.I didn't know this--what's his name--Krogstad had anything to do with the Bank.

Rank.Yes,he has some sort of appointment there.(To Mrs.

LINDE.)I don't know whether you find also in your part of the world that there are certain people who go zealously snuffing about to smell out moral corruption,and,as soon as they have found some,put the person concerned into some lucrative position where they can keep their eye on him.Healthy natures are left out in the cold.

Mrs.Linde.Still I think the sick are those who most need taking care of.

Rank (shrugging his shoulders).Yes,there you are.That is the sentiment that is turning Society into a sick-house.

(NORA,who has been absorbed in her thoughts,breaks out into smothered laughter and claps her hands.)Rank.Why do you laugh at that?Have you any notion what Society really is?

Nora.What do I care about tiresome Society?I am laughing at something quite different,something extremely amusing.Tell me,Doctor Rank,are all the people who are employed in the Bank dependent on Torvald now?

Rank.Is that what you find so extremely amusing?

Nora (smiling and humming).That's my affair!(Walking about the room.)It's perfectly glorious to think that we have--that Torvald has so much power over so many people.(Takes the packet from her pocket.)Doctor Rank,what do you say to a macaroon?

Rank.What,macaroons?I thought they were forbidden here.

Nora.Yes,but these are some Christine gave me.


Nora.Oh,well,don't be alarmed!You couldn't know that Torvald had forbidden them.I must tell you that he is afraid they will spoil my teeth.But,bah!--once in a way--That's so,isn't it,Doctor Rank?By your leave!(Puts a macaroon into his mouth.)You must have one too,Christine.And I shall have one,just a little one-or at most two.(Walking about.)I am tremendously happy.

There is just one thing in the world now that I should dearly love to do.

Rank.Well,what is that?

Nora.It's something I should dearly love to say,if Torvald could hear me.

Rank.Well,why can't you say it?

Nora.No,I daren't;it's so shocking.


Rank.Well,I should not advise you to say it.Still,with us you might.What is it you would so much like to say if Torvald could hear you?

Nora.I should just love to say--Well,I'm damned!

Rank.Are you mad?


Rank.Say it,here he is!

Nora (hiding the packet).Hush!Hush!Hush!(HELMER comes out of his room,with his coat over his arm and his hat in his hand.)Nora.Well,Torvald dear,have you got rid of him?

Helmer.Yes,he has just gone.

Nora.Let me introduce you--this is Christine,who has come to town.

Helmer.Christine--?Excuse me,but I don't know--Nora.Mrs.Linde,dear;Christine Linde.

Helmer.Of course.A school friend of my wife's,I presume?

Mrs.Linde.Yes,we have known each other since then.

Nora.And just think,she has taken a long journey in order to see you.

Helmer.What do you mean?Mrs.Linde.No,really,I--Nora.Christine is tremendously clever at book-keeping,and she is frightfully anxious to work under some clever man,so as to perfect herself--Helmer.Very sensible,Mrs.Linde.

Nora.And when she heard you had been appointed manager of the Bank--the news was telegraphed,you know--she travelled here as quick as she could.Torvald,I am sure you will be able to do something for Christine,for my sake,won't you?

Helmer.Well,it is not altogether impossible.I presume you are a widow,Mrs.Linde?


Helmer.And have had some experience of book-keeping?

Mrs.Linde.Yes,a fair amount.

Helmer.Ah!well,it's very likely I may be able to find something for you--Nora (clapping her hands).What did I tell you?What did I tell you?

Helmer.You have just come at a fortunate moment,Mrs.Linde.

Mrs.Linde.How am I to thank you?

Helmer.There is no need.(Puts on his coat.)But today you must excuse me--Rank.Wait a minute;I will come with you.(Brings his fur coat from the hall and warms it at the fire.)Nora.Don't be long away,Torvald dear.

Helmer.About an hour,not more.

Nora.Are you going too,Christine?

Mrs.Linde (putting on her cloak).Yes,I must go and look for a room.

Helmer.Oh,well then,we can walk down the street together.

Nora (helping her).What a pity it is we are so short of space here;I am afraid it is impossible for us--Mrs.Linde.Please don't think of it!Goodbye,Nora dear,and many thanks.

Nora.Goodbye for the present.Of course you will come back this evening.And you too,Dr.Rank.What do you say?If you are well enough?Oh,you must be!Wrap yourself up well.(They go to the door all talking together.Children's voices are heard on the staircase.)Nora.There they are!There they are!(She runs to open the door.

The NURSE comes in with the children.)Come in!Come in!(Stoops and kisses them.)Oh,you sweet blessings!Look at them,Christine!Aren't they darlings?

Rank.Don't let us stand here in the draught.

Helmer.Come along,Mrs.Linde;the place will only be bearable for a mother now!

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  • 东坡先生年谱


  • 初吻


    张贤亮,男,江苏盱眙县人,1936年 12月生于南京。1957年因在《延河》文学月刊上发表长诗《大风歌》而被列为右派,遂遭受劳教、管制、监禁达十几年,其间曾外逃流浪,讨饭度日。1979年9月获平反,1980年调至宁夏《朔方》文学杂志社任编辑,同年加入中国作家协会,1981年开始专业文学创作。先后发表了短篇小说《邢老汉和狗的故事》、《灵与肉》、《肖尔布拉克》、《初吻》等;中篇小说《土牢情话》、《龙种》、《河的子孙》、《绿化树》、《浪漫的黑炮》、《男人的一半是女人》;长篇小说《男人的风格》、《习惯死亡》等。本书集结了《初吻》、《河的子孙》、《普贤寺》、《肖尔布拉克》、《邢老汉和狗的故事》
  • 步步隐婚,总裁的绯闻天后


  • 妄想日记的召唤


  • 总裁追妻,小鬼来帮忙


  • 回到三国打天下


  • 文安心愿


  • 神葬天绝

