

“A baby?Great God!”thundered the doctor and his face was suddenly contorted with hate and rage, a rage not directed at her or at anyone except a world wherein such things could happen.“Are you crazy?I can't leave thesemen. They are dying, hundreds of them.I can't leave them for a damned baby.Get some woman to help you.Get my wife.”

She opened her mouth to tell him why Mrs. Meade could not come and then shut it abruptly.He did not know his own son was wounded!She wondered if he would still be here if he did know, and something told her that even if Phil were dying he would still be standing on this spot, giving aid to the many instead of the one.

“No, you must come, Doctor. You know you said she'd have a hard time—”Was it really she, Scarlett, standing here saying these dreadful indelicate things at the top of her voice in this hell of heat and groans?“She'll die if you don't come!”

He shook off her hand roughly and spoke as though he hardly heard her, hardly knew what she said.

“Die?Yes, they'll all die—all these men. No bandages, no salves, no quinine, no chloroform.Oh, God, for some morphia!Just a little morphia for the worst ones.Just a little chloroform.God damn the Yankees!God damn the Yankees!”

“Give um hell, Doctor!”said the man on the ground, his teeth showing in his beard.

Scarlett began to shake and her eyes burned with tears of fright. The doctor wasn't coming with her.Melanie would die and she had wished that she would die.The doctor wasn't coming.

“Name of God, Doctor!Please!”

Dr. Meade bit his lip and his jaw hardened as his face went cool again.

“Child, I'll try. I can't promise you.But I'll try.When we get these men tended to.The Yankees are coming and the troops are moving out of town.I don't know what they'll do with the wounded.There aren't any trains.The Macon line has been captured……But I'll try.Run along now.Don't bother me.There's nothing much to bringing a baby.Just tie up the cord……”

He turned as an orderly touched his arm and began firing directions and pointing to this and that wounded man. The man at her feet looked up at Scarlett compassionately.She turned away, for the doctor had forgotten her.

She picked her way rapidly through the wounded and back to PeachtreeStreet. The doctor wasn't coming.She would have to see it through herself.Thank God, Prissy knew all about midwifery.Her head ached from the heat and she could feel her basque, soaking wet from perspiration, sticking to her.Her mind felt numb and so did her legs, numb as in a nightmare when she tried to run and could not move them.She thought of the long walk back to the house and it seemed interminable.

Then,“The Yankees are coming!”began to beat its refrain in her mind again. Her heart began to pound and new life came into her limbs.She hurried into the crowd at Five Points, now so thick there was no room on the narrow sidewalks and she was forced to walk in the street.Long lines of soldiers were passing, dust covered, sodden with weariness.There seemed thousands of them, bearded, dirty, their guns slung over their shoulders, swiftly passing at route step.Cannon rolled past, the drivers flaying the thin mules with lengths of rawhide.Commissary wagons with torn canvas covers rocked through the ruts.Cavalry raising clouds of choking dust went past endlessly.She had never seen so many soldiers together before.Retreat!Retreat!The army was moving out.

The hurrying lines pushed her back onto the packed sidewalk and she smelled the reek of cheap corn whisky. There were women in the mob near Decatur Street, garishly dressed women whose bright finery and painted faces gave a discordant note of holiday.Most of them were drunk and the soldiers on whose arms they hung were drunker.She caught a fleeting glimpse of a head of red curls and saw that creature, Belle Watling, heard her shrill drunken laughter as she clung for support to a one-armed soldier who reeled and staggered.

When she had shoved and pushed her way through the mob for a block beyond Five Points the crowd thinned a little and, gathering up her skirts, she began to run again. When she reached Wesley Chapel, she was breathless and dizzy and sick at her stomach.Her stays were cutting her ribs in two.She sank down on the steps of the church and buried her head in her hands until she could breathe more easily.If she could only get one deep breath, way down in her abdomen.If her heart would only stop bumping and drumming and cavorting.If there were only someone in this mad place to whom she could turn.

Why, she had never had to do a thing for herself in all her life. There hadalways been someone to do things for her, to look after her, shelter and protect her and spoil her.It was incredible that she could be in such a fix.Not a friend, not a neighbor to help her.There had always been friends, neighbors, the competent hands of willing slaves.And now in this hour of greatest need, there was no one.It was incredible that she could be so completely alone, and frightened, and far from home.

Home!If she were only home, Yankees or no Yankees. Home, even if Ellen was sick.She longed for the sight of Ellen's sweet face, for Mammy's strong arms around her.

She rose dizzily to her feet and started walking again. When she came in sight of the house, she saw Wade swinging on the front gate.When he saw her, his face puckered and he began to cry, holding up a grubby bruised finger.

“Hurt!”he sobbed.“Hurt!”

“Hush!Hush!Hush!Or I'll spank you. Go out in the back yard and make mud pies and don't move from there.”

“Wade hungwy,”he sobbed and put the hurt finger in his mouth.

“I don't care. Go in the back yard and—”

  • 我要我们天天在一起


    李东文, 70后。1999年开始学习写作,以小说及情感专栏为主,曾在《天涯》《长城》《十月》《西湖》《长江文艺》等杂志发表小说,作品多次被《小说选刊》《中篇小说选刊》《读者》等转载。
  • 夏有乔木:雅望天堂(全集)


  • 少年游


    甫跃辉, 1984年生,云南保山施甸县人,复旦大学首届文学写作专业小说方向研究生毕业,师从作家王安忆。在《人民文学》《大家》《花城》《中国作家》《青年文学》《上海文学》《长城》等文学期刊发表中国短篇小说。获得2009年度“中环”杯《上海文学》短篇小说新人奖。
  • 仁宣盛世之孝恭皇后


    她,八岁进宫,出身低门,却是明宣宗的皇后,明英宗的生母。 她以贵妃身份得享与皇后一样的金册金宝之礼,皇贵妃一称由她而始。 她尚在世,就被尊为“圣烈慈寿皇太后”,给在世的皇后和太后上宫闱徽号,自她而始。 她以一人之身开明朝两个先例,何等荣耀! 她,思虑长远,土木堡之变,力挽狂澜。迁都之危,因她而解。嫔妃殡葬制度由她而废。 她,永乐八年进宫,天顺六年崩逝。历经永乐、洪熙、宣德、正统、景泰、天顺六朝,几乎一生都在深宫中度过,却有着最为自由的灵魂。 唯不争,故天下莫能与之争。 她终于,权倾天下,名满大明。
  • 救赎(犯罪悬疑小说馆)


  • 与杀手为邻


  • 望穿流年


  • 进击的小仙军团


  • 致命邂逅:斯文败类爱上我


  • 甜滋滋,巧克力的爱


  • 总裁赖上重妻子


  • 龙刃守护者


  • 豪门缠婚:娇妻宠你入瘾


  • 至尊邪宠:狂妃倾天下


  • 地底天国

