

Mlle.Armande had just received a charming letter, charming in its hypocrisy.Her nephew was the happiest man under the sun.He had been to the baths, he had been traveling in Italy with Mme.de Maufrigneuse, and now sent his journal to his aunt.Every sentence was instinct with love.There were enchanting descriptions of Venice, and fascinating appreciations of the great works of Venetian art; there were most wonderful pages full of the Duomo at Milan, and again of Florence; he described the Apennines, and how they differed from the Alps, and how in some village like Chiavari happiness lay all around you, ready made.

The poor aunt was under the spell.She saw the far-off country of love, she saw, hovering above the land, the angel whose tenderness gave to all that beauty a burning glow.She was drinking in the letter at long draughts; how should it have been otherwise? The girl who had put love from her was now a woman ripened by repressed and pent-up passion, by all the longings continually and gladly offered up as a sacrifice on the altar of the hearth.Mlle.Armande was not like the Duchess.She did not look like an angel.She was rather like the little, straight, slim and slender, ivory-tinted statues, which those wonderful sculptors, the builders of cathedrals, placed here and there about the buildings.Wild plants sometimes find a hold in the damp niches, and weave a crown of beautiful bluebell flowers about the carved stone.At this moment the blue buds were unfolding in the fair saint's eyes.Mlle.Armande loved the charming couple as if they stood apart from real life; she saw nothing wrong in a married woman's love for Victurnien; any other woman she would have judged harshly; but in this case, not to have loved her nephew would have been the unpardonable sin.Aunts, mothers, and sisters have a code of their own for nephews and sons and brothers.

Mlle.Armande was in Venice; she saw the lines of fairy palaces that stand on either side of the Grand Canal; she was sitting in Victurnien's gondola; he was telling her what happiness it had been to feel that the Duchess' beautiful hand lay in his own, to know that she loved him as they floated together on the breast of the amorous Queen of Italian seas.But even in that moment of bliss, such as angels know, some one appeared in the garden walk.It was Chesnel! Alas! the sound of his tread on the gravel might have been the sound of the sands running from Death's hour-glass to be trodden under his unshod feet.The sound, the sight of a dreadful hopelessness in Chesnel's face, gave her that painful shock which follows a sudden recall of the senses when the soul has sent them forth into the world of dreams.

"What is it?" she cried, as if some stab had pierced to her heart.

"All is lost!" said Chesnel."M.le Comte will bring dishonor upon the house if we do not set it in order." He held out the bills, and described the agony of the last few days in a few simple but vigorous and touching words.

"He is deceiving us! The miserable boy!" cried Mlle.Armande, her heart swelling as the blood surged back to it in heavy throbs.

"Let us both say mea culpa, mademoiselle," the old lawyer said stoutly; "we have always allowed him to have his own way; he needed stern guidance; he could not have it from you with your inexperience of life; nor from me, for he would not listen to me.He has had no mother.""Fate sometimes deals terribly with a noble house in decay," said Mlle.Armande, with tears in her eyes.

The Marquis came up as she spoke.He had been walking up and down the garden while he read the letter sent by his son after his return.

Victurnien gave his itinerary from an aristocrat's point of view;telling how he had been welcomed by the greatest Italian families of Genoa, Turin, Milan, Florence, Venice, Rome, and Naples.This flattering reception he owed to his name, he said, and partly, perhaps, to the Duchess as well.In short, he had made his appearance magnificently, and as befitted a d'Esgrignon.

"Have you been at your old tricks, Chesnel?" asked the Marquis.

Mlle.Armande made Chesnel an eager sign, dreadful to see.They understood each other.The poor father, the flower of feudal honor, must die with all his illusions.A compact of silence and devotion was ratified between the two noble hearts by a simple inclination of the head.

"Ah! Chesnel, it was not exactly in this way that the d'Esgrignons went into Italy at the end of the fourteenth century, when Marshal Trivulzio, in the service of the King of France, served under a d'Esgrignon, who had a Bayard too under his orders.Other times, other pleasures.And, for that matter, the Duchesse de Maufrigneuse is at least the equal of a Marchesa di Spinola."And, on the strength of his genealogical tree, the old man swung himself off with a coxcomb's air, as if he himself had once made a conquest of the Marchesa di Spinola, and still possessed the Duchess of to-day.

The two companions in unhappiness were left together on the garden bench, with the same thought for a bond of union.They sat for a long time, saying little save vague, unmeaning words, watching the father walk away in his happiness, gesticulating as if he were talking to himself.

"What will become of him now?" Mlle.Armande asked after a while.

"Du Croisier has sent instructions to the MM.Keller; he is not to be allowed to draw any more without authorization.""And there are debts," continued Mlle.Armande.

"I am afraid so."

"If he is left without resources, what will he do?""I dare not answer that question to myself."

"But he must be drawn out of that life, he must come back to us, or he will have nothing left.""And nothing else left to him," Chesnel said gloomily.But Mlle.

Armande as yet did not and could not understand the full force of those words.

"Is there any hope of getting him away from that woman, that Duchess?

Perhaps she leads him on."

"He would not stick at a crime to be with her," said Chesnel, trying to pave the way to an intolerable thought by others less intolerable.

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