

Earl Eirik sailed back to Sweden in autumn, and staid there all winter (A.D.997); but in the spring fitted out his war force again, and sailed up the Baltic.When he came to Valdemar's dominions he began to plunder and kill the inhabitants, and burn the dwellings everywhere as he came along, and to lay waste the country.He came to Aldeigiuburg, and besieged it until he took the castle; and he killed many people, broke down and burned the castle, and then carried destruction all around far and wide in Gardarike.So it is told in the "Banda-drapa": --"The generous earl, brave and bold, Who scatters his bright shining gold, Eirik with fire-scattering hand, Wasted the Russian monarch's land, --With arrow-shower, and storm of war, Wasted the land of Valdemar.

Aldeiga burns, and Eirik's might Scours through all Russia by its light."Earl Eirik was five years in all on this foray; and when he returned from Gardarike he ravaged all Adalsysla and Eysysla, and took there four viking ships from the Danes and killed every man on board.So it is told in the "Banda-drapa": --"Among the isles flies round the word, That Eirik's blood-devouring sword Has flashed like fire in the sound, And wasted all the land around.

And Eirik too, the bold in fight, Has broken down the robber-might Of four great vikings, and has slain All of the crew -- nor spared one Dane.

In Gautland he has seized the town, In Syssels harried up and down;And all the people in dismay Fled to the forests far away.

By land or sea, in field or wave, What can withstand this earl brave?

All fly before his fiery hand --

God save the earl, and keep the land."

When Eirik had been a year in Sweden he went over to Denmark (A.D.996) to King Svein Tjuguskeg, the Danish king, and courted his daughter Gyda.The proposal was accepted, and Earl Eirik married Gyda; and a year after (A.D.997) they had a son, who was called Hakon.Earl Eirik was in the winter in Denmark, or sometimes in Sweden; but in summer he went a-cruising.


The Danish king, Svein Tjuguskeg, was married to Gunhild, a daughter of Burizleif, king of the Vinds.But in the times we have just been speaking of it happened that Queen Gunhild fell sick and died.Soon after King Svein married Sigrid the Haughty, a daughter of Skoglartoste, and mother of the Swedish king Olaf;and by means of this relationship there was great friendship between the kings and Earl Eirik, Hakon's son.


Burizleif, the king of the Vinds, complained to his relation Earl Sigvalde, that the agreement was broken which Sigvalde had made between King Svein and King Burizleif, by which Burizleif was to get in marriage Thyre, Harald's daughter, a sister of King Svein:

but that marriage had not proceeded, for Thyre had given positive no to the proposal to marry her to an old and heathen king.

"Now," said King Burizleif to Earl Sigvalde, "I must have the promise fulfilled." And he told Earl Sigvalde to go to Denmark, and bring him Thyre as his queen.Earl Sigvalde loses no time, but goes to King Svein of Denmark, explains to him the case; and brings it so far by his persuasion, that the king delivered his sister Thyre into his hands.With her went some female attendants, and her foster-father, by name Ozur Agason, a man of great power, and some other people.In the agreement between the king and the earl, it was settled that Thyre should have in property the possessions which Queen Gunhild had enjoyed in Vindland, besides other great properties as bride-gifts.Thyre wept sorely, and went very unwillingly.When the earl came to Vindland, Burizleif held his wedding with Queen Thyre, and received her in marriage; bus as long as she was among heathens she would neither eat nor drink with them, and this lasted for seven days.


It happened one night that Queen Thyre and Ozur ran away in the dark, and into the woods, and, to be short in our story, came at last to Denmark.But here Thyre did not dare to remain, knowing that if her brother King Svein heard of her, he would send her back directly to Vindland.She went on, therefore, secretly to Norway, and never stayed her journey until she fell in with King Olaf, by whom she was kindly received.Thyre related to the king her sorrows, and entreated his advice in her need, and protection in his kingdom.Thyre was a well-spoken woman, and the king had pleasure in her conversation.He saw she was a handsome woman, and it came into his mind that she would be a good match; so he turns the conversation that way, and asks if she will marry him.

Now, as she saw that her situation was such that she could not help herself, and considered what a luck it was for her to marry so celebrated a man, she bade him to dispose himself of her hand and fate; and, after nearer conversation, King Olaf took Thyre in marriage.This wedding was held in harvest after the king returned from Halogaland (A.D.999), and King Olaf and Queen Thyre remained all winter (A.D.1000) at Nidaros.

The following spring Queen Thyre complained often to King Olaf, and wept bitterly over it, that she who had so great property in Vindland had no goods or possessions here in the country that were suitable for a queen; and sometimes she would entreat the king with fine words to get her property restored to her, and saying that King Burizleif was so great a friend of King Olaf that he would not deny King Olaf anything if they were to meet.

But when King Olaf's friends heard of such speeches, they dissuaded him from any such expedition.It is related at the king one day early in spring was walking in the street, and met a man in the market with many, and, for that early season, remarkably large angelica roots.The king took a great stalk of the angelica in his hand, and went home to Queen Thyre's lodging.

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