

failing to remember, as he did, that the individuals he was trying to instruct were volunteer players and not salaried underlings.

"Now, Miss Madenda," he said, addressing Carrie, who stood in one part uncertain as to what move to make, "you don't want to stand like that.Put expression in your face.Remember, you are troubled over the intrusion of the stranger.Walk so," and he struck out across the Avery stage in almost drooping manner.

Carrie did not exactly fancy the suggestion, but the novelty of the situation, the presence of strangers, all more or less nervous, and the desire to do anything rather than make a failure, made her timid.She walked in imitation of her mentor as requested, inwardly feeling that there was something strangely lacking.

"Now, Mrs.Morgan," said the director to one young married woman who was to take the part of Pearl, "you sit here.Now, Mr.

Bamberger, you stand here, so.Now, what is it you say?"

"Explain," said Mr.Bamberger feebly.He had the part of Ray, Laura's lover, the society individual who was to waver in his thoughts of marrying her, upon finding that she was a waif and a nobody by birth.

"How is that--what does your text say?"

"Explain," repeated Mr.Bamberger, looking intently at his part.

"Yes, but it also says," the director remarked, "that you are to look shocked.Now, say it again, and see if you can't look shocked."

"Explain!" demanded Mr.Bamberger vigorously.

"No, no, that won't do! Say it this way--EXPLAIN."

"Explain," said Mr.Bamberger, giving a modified imitation.

"That's better.Now go on."

"One night," resumed Mrs.Morgan, whose lines came next, "father and mother were going to the opera.When they were crossing Broadway, the usual crowd of children accosted them for alms--"

"Hold on," said the director, rushing forward, his arm extended.

"Put more feeling into what you are saying."

Mrs.Morgan looked at him as if she feared a personal assault.

Her eye lightened with resentment.

"Remember, Mrs.Morgan," he added, ignoring the gleam, but modifying his manner, "that you're detailing a pathetic story.

You are now supposed to be telling something that is a grief to you.It requires feeling, repression, thus: 'The usual crowd of children accosted them for alms.'"

"All right," said Mrs.Morgan.

"Now, go on."

"As mother felt in her pocket for some change, her fingers touched a cold and trembling hand which had clutched her purse."

"Very good," interrupted the director, nodding his head significantly.

"A pickpocket! Well!" exclaimed Mr.Bamberger, speaking the lines that here fell to him.

"No, no, Mr.Bamberger," said the director, approaching, "not that way.'A pickpocket--well?' so.That's the idea."

"Don't you think," said Carrie weakly, noticing that it had not been proved yet whether the members of the company knew their lines, let alone the details of expression, "that it would be better if we just went through our lines once to see if we know them? We might pick up some points."

"A very good idea, Miss Madenda," said Mr.Quincel, who sat at the side of the stage, looking serenely on and volunteering opinions which the director did not heed.

"All right," said the latter, somewhat abashed, "it might be well to do it." Then brightening, with a show of authority, "Suppose we run right through, putting in as much expression as we can."

"Good," said Mr.Quincel.

"This hand," resumed Mrs.Morgan, glancing up at Mr.Bamberger and down at her book, as the lines proceeded, "my mother grasped in her own, and so tight that a small, feeble voice uttered an exclamation of pain.Mother looked down, and there beside her was a little ragged girl."

"Very good," observed the director, now hopelessly idle.

"The thief!" exclaimed Mr.Bamberger.

"Louder," put in the director, finding it almost impossible to keep his hands off.

"The thief!" roared poor Bamberger.

"Yes, but a thief hardly six years old, with a face like an angel's.'Stop,' said my mother.'What are you doing?'

"'Trying to steal,' said the child.

"'Don't you know that it is wicked to do so?' asked my father.

"'No,' said the girl, 'but it is dreadful to be hungry.'

"'Who told you to steal?' asked my mother.

"'She--there,' said the child, pointing to a squalid woman in a doorway opposite, who fled suddenly down the street.'That is old Judas,' said the girl."

Mrs.Morgan read this rather flatly, and the director was in despair.He fidgeted around, and then went over to Mr.Quincel.

"What do you think of them?" he asked.

"Oh, I guess we'll be able to whip them into shape," said the latter, with an air of strength under difficulties.

"I don't know," said the director."That fellow Bamberger strikes me as being a pretty poor shift for a lover."

  • 凰色生香


    【女生版】“长安,总有那么一天,我会陪着你,喝你最喜欢喝的酒,赏你最喜欢赏的景,在你的余生里,成为你最喜欢的人。”他不知道,当他说出这句话的时候,她就已经原谅他了。十万里河山,九千个日月,八方相守,七军追随,扫六朝金粉,得五陵豪杰,却落得个四面楚歌,虽三呼万岁又如何?不如换两心相映,全一世长情。===【男生版】数年前一场灭门血案,纠葛出今日翻覆权谋。乱世烽烟起,君非君,臣非臣,江山空无主。天下逐鹿,功在千秋。===【萌萌哒作者君版】人家这么萌,你真的不要戳一下、暖一下、收藏一下嘛(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~
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