

I was only too glad to do so, for I felt ashamed of seeming, by my silent presence, to be joining in Ikonin's humiliating prayers for grace.I have no recollection of how I threaded my way through the students in the hall, nor of what I replied to their questions, nor of how I passed into the vestibule and departed home.I was offended, humiliated, and genuinely unhappy.

For three days I never left my room, and saw no one, but found relief in copious tears.I should have sought a pistol to shoot myself if I had had the necessary determination for the deed.I thought that Ilinka Grap would spit in my face when he next met me, and that he would have the right to do so; that Operoff would rejoice at my misfortune, and tell every one of it; that Kolpikoff had justly shamed me that night at the restaurant; that my stupid speeches to Princess Kornikoff had had their fitting result; and so on, and so on.All the moments in my life which had been for me most difficult and painful recurred to my mind.I tried to blame some one for my calamity, and thought that some one must have done it on purpose--must have conspired a whole intrigue against me.Next, I murmured against the professors, against my comrades, Woloda, Dimitri, and Papa (the last for having sent me to the University at all).Finally, I railed at Providence for ever having let me see such ignominy.Believing myself ruined for ever in the eyes of all who knew me, I besought Papa to let me go into the hussars or to the Caucasus.Naturally, Papa was anything but pleased at what had happened; yet, on seeing my passionate grief, he comforted me by saying that, though it was a bad business, it might yet be mended by my transferring to another faculty.Woloda, who also saw nothing very terrible in my misfortune, added that at least I should not be put out of countenance in a new faculty, since I should have new comrades there.As for the ladies of the household, they neither knew nor cared what either an examination or a plucking meant, and condoled with me only because they saw me in such distress.Dimitri came to see me every day, and was very kind and consolatory throughout; but for that very reason he seemed to me to have grown colder than before.It always hurt me and made me feel uncomfortable when he came up to my room and seated himself in silence beside me, much as a doctor might scat himself by the bedside of an awkward patient.Sophia Ivanovna and Varenika sent me books for which I had expressed a wish, as also an invitation to go and see them, but in that very thoughtfulness of theirs I saw only proud, humiliating condescension to one who had fallen beyond forgiveness.Although, in three days' time, I grew calmer, it was not until we departed for the country that I left the house, but spent the time in nursing my grief and wandering, fearful of all the household, through the various rooms.

One evening, as I was sitting deep in thought and listening to Avdotia playing her waltz, I suddenly leapt to my feet, ran upstairs, got out the copy-book whereon I had once inscribed "Rules of My Life," opened it, and experienced my first moment of repentance and moral resolution.True, I burst into tears once more, but they were no longer tears of despair.Pulling myself together, I set about writing out a fresh set of rules, in the assured conviction that never again would I do a wrong action, waste a single moment on frivolity, or alter the rules which I now decided to frame.

How long that moral impulse lasted, what it consisted of, and what new principles I devised for my moral growth I will relate when speaking of the ensuing and happier portion of my early manhood.


  • 上帝请闭眼(故事会经典悬疑系列2)


    故事(一)友情之酒: 老人说:“这个赌注实在太大了!他到底是真正的朋友,还是复仇的敌人,答案马上可以揭晓。我没有勇气去化验,如果答案是前者,我将在他崇高的人格面前自惭形秽;如果答案是后者,我一定疯狂地报复他,就算他死了,也不会原谅他。如果是你,你将会怎么做呢?”故事(二)精心策划的座位号:傍晚,黑木回到家后发现,电视里正在报道知纱子遇害的新闻,她的尸体是未婚夫发现的,黑木慌慌张张地回到了自己的房间,看了看那张无号票,顿时脸色苍白。因为在那张票上还印着一大串序列号。如果警察看了这串序列号,定会发现这张票不是上午预售的,而是下午售出的。一想到这儿,黑木又有些坐立不安了。
  • 斗魂大陆


  • 学会变通:穷则变 变则通 通则久

    学会变通:穷则变 变则通 通则久

  • 大漠中的历史丰碑:敦煌境内的长城和古城遗址


  • 真武阳帝


  • 雨落何处


  • 你的错择


  • 狼啸都市


  • 上班也能做个好妈妈



