

'That's all,' said the young woman assuringly. 'I didn't want to give trouble, you know, and what I have besides I have left at my aunt's.'

'Yes, of course,' he answered readily. 'And as it's no bigger, I can carry it in my hand to the inn, and so it will be no trouble at all.'

He caught up the little box, and they went side by side to the Greyhound; and in ten minutes they were trotting up the Southern Road.

Bob did not hurry the horse, there being many things to say and hear, for which the present situation was admirably suited. The sun shone occasionally into Matilda's face as they drove on, its rays picking out all her features to a great nicety. Her eyes would have been called brown, but they were really eel-colour, like many other nice brown eyes; they were well-shaped and rather bright, though they had more of a broad shine than a sparkle. She had a firm, sufficient nose, which seemed to say of itself that it was good as noses go. She had rather a picturesque way of wrapping her upper in her lower lip, so that the red of the latter showed strongly.

Whenever she gazed against the sun towards the distant hills, she brought into her forehead, without knowing it, three short vertical lines--not there at other times--giving her for the moment rather a hard look. And in turning her head round to a far angle, to stare at something or other that he pointed out, the drawn flesh of her neck became a mass of lines. But Bob did not look at these things, which, of course, were of no significance; for had she not told him, when they compared ages, that she was a little over two-and-twenty?

As Nature was hardly invented at this early point of the century, Bob's Matilda could not say much about the glamour of the hills, or the shimmering of the foliage, or the wealth of glory in the distant sea, as she would doubtless have done had she lived later on; but she did her best to be interesting, asking Bob about matters of social interest in the neighbourhood, to which she seemed quite a stranger.

'Is your watering-place a large city?' she inquired when they mounted the hill where the Overcombe folk had waited for the King.

'Bless you, my dear--no! 'Twould be nothing if it wasn't for the Royal Family, and the lords and ladies, and the regiments of soldiers, and the frigates, and the King's messengers, and the actors and actresses, and the games that go on.'

At the words 'actors and actresses,' the innocent young thing pricked up her ears.

'Does Elliston pay as good salaries this summer as in--?'

'O, you know about it then. I thought--'

'O no, no. I have heard of Budmouth--read in the papers, you know, dear Robert, about the doings there, and the actors and actresses, you know.'

'Yes, yes, I see. Well, I have been away from England a long time, and don't know much about the theatre in the town; but I'll take you there some day. Would it be a treat to you?'

'O, an amazing treat!' said Miss Johnson, with an ecstasy in which a close observer might have discovered a tinge of ghastliness.

'You've never been into one perhaps, dear?'

'N--never,' said Matilda flatly. 'Whatever do I see yonder--a row of white things on the down?'

'Yes, that's a part of the encampment above Overcombe. Lots of soldiers are encamped about here; those are the white tops of their tents.'

He pointed to a wing of the camp that had become visible. Matilda was much interested.

'It will make it very lively for us,' he added, 'especially as John is there.'

She thought so too, and thus they chatted on.

  • 易外别传


  • 痹门


  • 傅青主女科歌括


  • 潜夫论


  • 南湖集


  • 剑三之阵营女神


  • 七发子弹闯明朝


  • 我就是她的唯一


  • 水月镜花缘


  • 双胞姐妹追求爱


  • 我的闹心老妈(老妈真烦)


  • 为奴十二年


  • 一场江山豪赌:纨绔世子妃


    温文尔雅的腹黑世子VS腹有乾坤的纨绔少女 带你走近结局的绚烂与静好! 诗词歌赋不通,琴棋书画不懂,天圣皇朝第一废物!纨绔不羁、大字不识、嚣张跋扈、恶名昭彰,废物中的废物!她叫云浅月,云王府唯一嫡女!皇朝繁华百年,千疮百孔、风雨飘摇。四大王府、附属小国、各地藩王、无数只手背地里搅动时局,暗潮涌动。帝王深沉,皇子心机,世子莫测,小王爷混世,年轻公子纷纷展现翻云覆雨手。斗棋,斗技,斗朝堂,斗江湖,斗江山,斗天下,无所不斗,包括女人!繁华的天下渐渐被搅成了一锅浑水,而她就在这一大锅浑水里摸鱼。是继续纨绔不羁到底,还是素手挑起乾坤?这一场繁华乱世,她注定会书写传奇!
  • 乱世离歌:红颜至尊


  • 逸境劫

