
第16章 PART V(2)

Further,to enable me to cast this variety of subjects somewhat into the shade,and to express my judgment regarding them with greater freedom,without being necessitated to adopt or refute the opinions of the learned,I resolved to leave all the people here to their disputes,and to speak only of what would happen in a new world,if God were now to create somewhere in the imaginary spaces matter sufficient to compose one,and were to agitate variously and confusedly the different parts of this matter,so that there resulted a chaos as disordered as the poets ever feigned,and after that did nothing more than lend his ordinary concurrence to nature,and allow her to act in accordance with the laws which he had established.On this supposition,I,in the first place,described this matter,and essayed to represent it in such a manner that to my mind there can be nothing clearer and more intelligible,except what has been recently said regarding God and the soul;for I even expressly supposed that it possessed none of those forms or qualities which are so debated in the schools,nor in general anything the knowledge of which is not so natural to our minds that no one can so much as imagine himself ignorant of it.Besides,I have pointed out what are the laws of nature;and,with no other principle upon which to found my reasonings except the infinite perfection of God,I endeavored to demonstrate all those about which there could be any room for doubt,and to prove that they are such,that even if God had created more worlds,there could have been none in which these laws were not observed.Thereafter,I showed how the greatest part of the matter of this chaos must,in accordance with these laws,dispose and arrange itself in such a way as to present the appearance of heavens;how in the meantime some of its parts must compose an earth and some planets and comets,and others a sun and fixed stars.And,making a digression at this stage on the subject of light,I expounded at considerable length what the nature of that light must be which is found in the sun and the stars,and how thence in an instant of time it traverses the immense spaces of the heavens,and how from the planets and comets it is reflected towards the earth.To this I likewise added much respecting the substance,the situation,the motions,and all the different qualities of these heavens and stars;so that I thought I had said enough respecting them to show that there is nothing observable in the heavens or stars of our system that must not,or at least may not appear precisely alike in those of the system which I described.I came next to speak of the earth in particular,and to show how,even though Ihad expressly supposed that God had given no weight to the matter of which it is composed,this should not prevent all its parts from tending exactly to its center;how with water and air on its surface,the disposition of the heavens and heavenly bodies,more especially of the moon,must cause a flow and ebb,like in all its circumstances to that observed in our seas,as also a certain current both of water and air from east to west,such as is likewise observed between the tropics;how the mountains,seas,fountains,and rivers might naturally be formed in it,and the metals produced in the mines,and the plants grow in the fields and in general,how all the bodies which are commonly denominated mixed or composite might be generated and,among other things in the discoveries alluded to inasmuch as besides the stars,I knew nothing except fire which produces light,I spared no pains to set forth all that pertains to its nature,--the manner of its production and support,and to explain how heat is sometimes found without light,and light without heat;to show how it can induce various colors upon different bodies and other diverse qualities;how it reduces some to a liquid state and hardens others;how it can consume almost all bodies,or convert them into ashes and smoke;and finally,how from these ashes,by the mere intensity of its action,it forms glass:for as this transmutation of ashes into glass appeared to me as wonderful as any other in nature,I took a special pleasure in describing it.I was not,however,disposed,from these circumstances,to conclude that this world had been created in the manner I described;for it is much more likely that God made it at the first such as it was to be.

But this is certain,and an opinion commonly received among theologians,that the action by which he now sustains it is the same with that by which he originally created it;so that even although he had from the beginning given it no other form than that of chaos,provided only he had established certain laws of nature,and had lent it his concurrence to enable it to act as it is wont to do,it may be believed,without discredit to the miracle of creation,that,in this way alone,things purely material might,in course of time,have become such as we observe them at present;and their nature is much more easily conceived when they are beheld coming in this manner gradually into existence,than when they are only considered as produced at once in a finished and perfect state.

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