

But it was impossible on account of the gloom for Fitzpiers to read it then, while he had the curiosity to do so, and he put it in his pocket. His imagination having already centred itself on Hintock House, in his pocket the letter remained unopened and forgotten, all the while that Marty was hopefully picturing its excellent weaning effect upon him.

He was not long in reaching the precincts of the Manor House. He drew rein under a group of dark oaks commanding a view of the front, and reflected a while. His entry would not be altogether unnatural in the circumstances of her possible indisposition; but upon the whole he thought it best to avoid riding up to the door.

By silently approaching he could retreat unobserved in the event of her not being alone. Thereupon he dismounted, hitched Darling to a stray bough hanging a little below the general browsing line of the trees, and proceeded to the door on foot.

In the mean time Melbury had returned from Shottsford-Forum. The great court or quadrangle of the timber-merchant's house, divided from the shady lane by an ivy-covered wall, was entered by two white gates, one standing near each extremity of the wall. It so happened that at the moment when Fitzpiers was riding out at the lower gate on his way to the Manor House, Melbury was approaching the upper gate to enter it. Fitzpiers being in front of Melbury was seen by the latter, but the surgeon, never turning his head, did not observe his father-in-law, ambling slowly and silently along under the trees, though his horse too was a gray one.

"How is Grace?" said his wife, as soon as he entered.

Melbury looked gloomy. "She is not at all well," he said. "I don't like the looks of her at all. I couldn't bear the notion of her biding away in a strange place any longer, and I begged her to let me get her home. At last she agreed to it, but not till after much persuading. I was then sorry that I rode over instead of driving; but I have hired a nice comfortable carriage--the easiest-going I could get--and she'll be here in a couple of hours or less. I rode on ahead to tell you to get her room ready; but I see her husband has come back."

"Yes," said Mrs. Melbury. She expressed her concern that her husband had hired a carriage all the way from Shottsford. "What it will cost!" she said.

"I don't care what it costs!" he exclaimed, testily. "I was determined to get her home. Why she went away I can't think! She acts in a way that is not at all likely to mend matters as far as I can see." (Grace had not told her father of her interview with Mrs. Charmond, and the disclosure that had been whispered in her startled ear.) "Since Edgar is come," he continued, "he might have waited in till I got home, to ask me how she was, if only for a compliment. I saw him go out; where is he gone?"

Mrs. Melbury did not know positively; but she told her husband that there was not much doubt about the place of his first visit after an absence. She had, in fact, seen Fitzpiers take the direction of the Manor House.

Melbury said no more. It was exasperating to him that just at this moment, when there was every reason for Fitzpiers to stay indoors, or at any rate to ride along the Shottsford road to meet his ailing wife, he should be doing despite to her by going elsewhere. The old man went out-of-doors again; and his horse being hardly unsaddled as yet, he told Upjohn to retighten the girths, when he again mounted, and rode off at the heels of the surgeon.

By the time that Melbury reached the park, he was prepared to go any lengths in combating this rank and reckless errantry of his daughter's husband. He would fetch home Edgar Fitzpiers to-night by some means, rough or fair: in his view there could come of his interference nothing worse than what existed at present. And yet to every bad there is a worse.

He had entered by the bridle-gate which admitted to the park on this side, and cantered over the soft turf almost in the tracks of Fitzpiers's horse, till he reached the clump of trees under which his precursor had halted. The whitish object that was indistinctly visible here in the gloom of the boughs he found to be Darling, as left by Fitzpiers.

"D--n him! why did he not ride up to the house in an honest way?" said Melbury.

He profited by Fitzpiers's example; dismounting, he tied his horse under an adjoining tree, and went on to the house on foot, as the other had done. He was no longer disposed to stick at trifles in his investigation, and did not hesitate to gently open the front door without ringing.

The large square hall, with its oak floor, staircase, and wainscot, was lighted by a dim lamp hanging from a beam. Not a soul was visible. He went into the corridor and listened at a door which he knew to be that of the drawing-room; there was no sound, and on turning the handle he found the room empty. A fire burning low in the grate was the sole light of the apartment; its beams flashed mockingly on the somewhat showy Versaillese furniture and gilding here, in style as unlike that of the structural parts of the building as it was possible to be, and probably introduced by Felice to counteract the fine old-English gloom of the place. Disappointed in his hope of confronting his son-in-law here, he went on to the dining-room; this was without light or fire, and pervaded by a cold atmosphere, which signified that she had not dined there that day.

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  • 李开复给年轻人的11个忠告


    为了帮助年轻人,李开复博士通过给年轻人写信、创办我学网、去高校进行演讲、出版图书、博客交流等等方式,为年轻人提出了许多忠告。在本书里,你可以看到李开复博士对人生目标、自我潜力开发、成功与成就,诚实与正直,思考与选择,宽容与勇气的深刻理解。字字珠矶,句句激励,希望能给你的成长之路带来正能量。李开复,1961年12月3日生于中国台湾。毕业于哥伦比亚政治系,后转计算机学院。1988年获卡内基梅隆大学计算 机学博士学位。李开复博士于2009年9月在中国北京创立创新工场,出任董事长兼首席执行官,以及创新工场开发投资基金的执行合伙人。在创业之前,他在谷歌公司担任全球副总裁兼大中华区总裁、微软公司全球副总裁。李博士于1998创办微软中国研究院(后更名为微软亚洲研究院),在极短时间内创建了一个国际一流的计算机研究院,曾被《麻省理工学院技术评论》评为“最火的计算机实验室”。李博士也曾在SGI公司担任互联网部门副总裁兼总经理、Cosmo软件公司总裁、苹果公司交互式多媒体部门的副总裁。在加入苹果公司之前,李开复曾在卡内基梅隆大学任教两年。他的博士论文是世界上第一个“非特定人连续语音识别统”。1988年,《商业周刊》授予该系统“最重要科学创新奖”。在校期间,李开复还开发了“奥赛罗”(黑白棋)人机对弈系统,因为1988年击败了世界团体冠军美国队的一名成员而名噪一时。
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  • 蜚声世界的中国作家:林语堂


    林语堂一代国学大师,中国首位诺贝尔文学奖被提名人。著有《吾国与吾民》《生活的艺术》《京华烟云》等,并将孔孟老庄哲学和陶渊明、李白、苏东坡、曹雪芹等人的文学作品英译推介海外,是第一位以英文书写扬名海外的中国作家,也是集语言学家、哲学家、文学家于一身的知名学者。 《蜚声世界文坛的中国作家林语堂》由厉向君所著,可供广大文学爱好者们阅读。
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