
第191章 Chapter XXVIII.

Dear Yorick, said my father smiling (for Yorick had broke his rank with my uncle Toby in coming through the narrow entry, and so had stept first into the parlour)--this Tristram of ours, I find, comes very hardly by all his religious rites.--Never was the son of Jew, Christian, Turk, or Infidel initiated into them in so oblique and slovenly a manner.--But he is no worse, I trust, said Yorick.--There has been certainly, continued my father, the deuce and all to do in some part or other of the ecliptic, when this offspring of mine was formed.--That, you are a better judge of than I, replied Yorick.--Astrologers, quoth my father, know better than us both:--the trine and sextil aspects have jumped awry,--or the opposite of their ascendents have not hit it, as they should,--or the lords of the genitures (as they call them) have been at bo-peep,--or something has been wrong above, or below with us.

'Tis possible, answered Yorick.--But is the child, cried my uncle Toby, the worse?--The Troglodytes say not, replied my father. And your theologists, Yorick, tell us--Theologically? said Yorick,--or speaking after the manner of apothecaries? (footnote in Greek Philo.)--statesmen? (footnote in Greek)--or washer-women? (footnote in Greek Bochart.)--I'm not sure, replied my father,--but they tell us, brother Toby, he's the better for it.--Provided, said Yorick, you travel him into Egypt.--Of that, answered my father, he will have the advantage, when he sees the Pyramids.--Now every word of this, quoth my uncle Toby, is Arabic to me.--I wish, said Yorick, 'twas so, to half the world.

--Ilus, (footnote in Greek Sanchuniatho.) continued my father, circumcised his whole army one morning.--Not without a court martial? cried my uncle Toby.--Though the learned, continued he, taking no notice of my uncle Toby's remark, but turning to Yorick,--are greatly divided still who Ilus was;--some say Saturn;--some the Supreme Being;--others, no more than a brigadier general under Pharaoh-neco.--Let him be who he will, said my uncle Toby, I know not by what article of war he could justify it.

The controvertists, answered my father, assign two-and-twenty different reasons for it:--others, indeed, who have drawn their pens on the opposite side of the question, have shewn the world the futility of the greatest part of them.--But then again, our best polemic divines--I wish there was not a polemic divine, said Yorick, in the kingdom;--one ounce of practical divinity--is worth a painted ship-load of all their reverences have imported these fifty years.--Pray, Mr. Yorick, quoth my uncle Toby,--do tell me what a polemic divine is?--The best description, captain Shandy, Ihave ever read, is of a couple of 'em, replied Yorick, in the account of the battle fought single hands betwixt Gymnast and captain Tripet; which Ihave in my pocket.--I beg I may hear it, quoth my uncle Toby earnestly.--You shall, said Yorick.--And as the corporal is waiting for me at the door,--and I know the description of a battle will do the poor fellow more good than his supper,--I beg, brother, you'll give him leave to come in.--With all my soul, said my father.--Trim came in, erect and happy as an emperor; and having shut the door, Yorick took a book from his right-hand coat-pocket, and read, or pretended to read, as follows.

  • 劳动合同管理与劳动争议处理


    本书共分15章,第1~4章概括介绍了企业劳动关系管理、劳动关系管理制度、劳动管理的组织以及劳动关系预警等整体性理论;第5~9章系统介绍劳动合同管理的具体技术方法;第10~15章细致阐释劳动合同管理中比较突出的双方争议的处理技术。 本书贯彻由宏观到微观、先理论后技术的原则,全景式的介绍、程序式的剖析,对企业合同用工制度的宏观、微观各个层面都作了较好的梳理。理论介绍简洁明了、框架清晰、技术方法合乎法律规范、操作性强,特别适合于企业人事行政管理工作人员日常应用,对于市场经济体系中的就业者同样具有重要参考价值。
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  • 星峰


  • 迷雾笼罩的科学(学生最想知道的未解之谜)


  • 绝世无双,嫡女风华


  • 仙魔無路


  • 大乘宝要义论


  • 海洋的现实和未来


    “青少年身边的环保丛书”是一套自然科学类读物。环境问题的实质是 社会、经济、环境之间的协调发展问题以及资源的合理开发利用问题。本丛书包括 了人类生活、自然和生态等各种关系的方方面面,从而让青少年了解环境保护对我们的重要性,以环境保护为己任。在这里,既有令人感 动的环保故事,又有深刻实用的环保知识,它会使我们每一个人都能成为一名守护地球家园的忠诚卫士。 谢芾主编的《海洋的现实和未来》为丛书之一。《海洋的现实和未来》内容涉及海洋与环境的各个侧面,文字浅显易懂 ,生动活泼。
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