

The next day and that following passed quietly,and our hero began to think that he had made a mistake and misjudged the men.

He was kept very busy and so almost forgot the incident.

Among the new boarders was a fussy old man named Chaster,who was speedily nicknamed by the bell boys Chestnuts.He was a particular individual,and made everybody as uncomfortable as he possibly could.

One day Wilberforce Chaster--to use his full name,--asked Joe to take him out on the lake for a day's fishing.Our hero readily complied,and was in hot water from the time they went out until they returned.Nothing suited the old man,and as he caught hardly any fish he was exceedingly put out when he came back to the hotel.

"Your boatman is of no account,"he said to Andrew Mallison."Ihave spent a miserable day,"and he stamped off to his room in high anger.

"It was not my fault,Mr.Mallison,"said Joe,with burning cheeks."I did my level best by him.""That man has been making trouble for us ever since he come,"answered the hotel proprietor."I am going to ask him to go elsewhere when his week is up."The insults that Joe had received that day from Wilberforce Chaster rankled in his mind,and he determined to square accounts with the boarder if he possibly could.

Towards evening he met a bell boy named Harry Ross who had also had trouble with Chaster,and the two talked the matter over.

"We ought to get square,"said Harry Ross."I wish I could souse him with a pitcher of ice water.""I've got a plan,"said Joe.

Stopping at the hotel was a traveling doctor,who came to Riverside twice a year,for a stay of two weeks each time.He sold some patent medicines,and had in his room several skulls and also a skeleton strung on wires.

"That doctor is away,"said our hero."I wonder if we can't smuggle the skulls and the skeleton into Mr.Chaster's room?""Just the cheese!"cried the bell boy,enthusiastically."And let us rub the bones with some of those matches that glow in the dark!"The plan was talked over,and watching their chance the two transferred the skeleton and the skulls to the apartment occupied by Wilberforce Chaster.Then they rubbed phosphorus on the bones,and hung them upon long strings,running over a doorway into the next room.

That evening Wilberforce Chaster remained in the hotel parlor until ten o 'clock.Then he marched off to his room in his usual ill humor.The gas was lit and he went to bed without delay.

As soon as the light went out and they heard the man retire,Joe and the bell boy began to groan in an ominous manner.As they did so,they worked the strings to which the skulls and the skeleton were attached,causing them to dance up and down in the center of the old man's room.

Hearing the groans,Wilberforce Chaster sat up in bed and listened.Then he peered around in the darkness.

"Ha!what is that?"he gasped,as he caught sight of the skulls.

"Am I dreaming--or is that--Oh!"

He started and began to shake from head to foot,for directly in front of him was the skeleton,moving up and down in a jerky fashion and glowing with a dull fire.His hair seemed to stand on end.He dove under the coverings of the bed.

"The room is haunted!"he moaned."Was ever such a thing seen before!This is wretched!Whatever shall I do?"The groans continued,and presently he gave another look from under the bed clothes.The skeleton appeared to be coming nearer.

He gave a loud yell of anguish.

"Go away!Go away!Oh,I am haunted by a ghost!This is awful!Icannot stand it!"

He fairly tumbled out of bed and caught up his clothing in a heap.Then,wrapped in some comfortables,he burst out of the room and ran down the hallway like a person possessed of the evil spirits.

"Come be quick,or we'll get caught!"whispered Joe,and ran into the room,followed by the bell boy.In a trice they pulled loose the strings that held the skulls and the skeleton,and restored the things to the doctor's room from which they had been taken.

Then they went below by a back stairs.

The whole hotel was in an alarm,and soon Mr.Mallison came upon the scene.

"What is the meaning of this?"he demanded,severely,of Wilberforce Chaster.

"The meaning is,sir,that your hotel is haunted,"was the answer,which startled all who heard it.



  • 时空皇帝


  • 章衣萍作品集(中国现代文学名家作品集)


  • 女性心理呵护手册


  • 最后一个魁师


  • 萌宠天下


  • 天使知道我爱你


    本书所选散文均来自杂志《青年文摘》。作者为杂志超人气作家。选文共分8个栏目,包括:力透纸背的爱,凤仙花的忧伤,睡在风里的蒲公英,送你一窗阳光,找回的戒指 分送的玫瑰,有一种欺骗叫真爱,两只柜子的幸福生活,相爱是一种命运。爱,哪有没有问题的,爱,就是一堆问题。


  • 西魂


    在阿尔卑斯山滑雪时,索菲亚发生了差点致命的事故。在死亡临界,她看到了不同的世界。死神引领她走到生命最低谷——抑郁症中,她遇见现代白魔法师,在那张叫“我”的魔法椅子上,她开始走进精神世界,精神分析、灵魂商数、炼金术、白魔法、萨满等西方文化的神秘智慧融进了她的生活。她疗愈了自己,成为“受伤的疗愈师”“都市里的萨满”…… 《西魂》是一部震撼人心的心灵传记,跟随索菲亚的生命体验,你会遇见一位位西方神秘文化导师,他们的智慧将让你穿越命运的重重黑纱,活出全新的自己。
  • 最受读者喜爱的散文(2册)(选题报告1)

