Father Zossima Father Zossima rose suddenly from his seat.Almost distracted with anxiety for the elder and everyone else, Alyosha succeeded, however, in supporting him by the arm.Father Zossima moved towards Dmitri and reaching him sank on his knees before him.
Alyosha thought that he had fallen from weakness, but this was not so.
The elder distinctly and deliberately bowed down at Dmitri's feet till his forehead touched the floor.Alyosha was so astounded that he failed to assist him when he got up again.There was a faint smile on his lips.
"Good-bye! Forgive me, all of you" he said, bowing on all sides to his guests.
Dmitri stood for a few moments in amazement.Bowing down to him-what did it mean? Suddenly he cried aloud, "Oh God!" hid his face in his hands, and rushed out of the room.All the guests flocked out after him, in their confusion not saying good-bye, or bowing to their host.Only the monks went up to him again for a blessing.
"What did it mean, falling at his feet like that? Was it symbolic or what?" said Fyodor Pavlovitch, suddenly quieted and trying to reopen conversation without venturing to address anybody in particular.They were all passing out of the precincts of the hermitage at the moment.
"I can't answer for a madhouse and for madmen," Miusov answered at once ill-humouredly, "but I will spare myself your company, Fyodor Pavlovitch, and, trust me, for ever.Where's that monk?""That monk," that is, the monk who had invited them to dine with the Superior, did not keep them waiting.He met them as soon as they came down the steps from the elder's cell, as though he had been waiting for them all the time.
"Reverend Father, kindly do me a favour.Convey my deepest respect to the Father Superior, apologise for me, personally, Miusov, to his reverence, telling him that I deeply regret that owing to unforeseen circumstances I am unable to have the honour of being present at his table, greatly I should desire to do so," Miusov said irritably to the monk.
"And that unforeseen circumstance, of course, is myself," Fyodor Pavlovitch cut in immediately."Do you hear, Father; this gentleman doesn't want to remain in my company or else he'd come at once.And you shall go, Pyotr Alexandrovitch, pray go to the Father Superior and good appetite to you.I will decline, and not you.Home, home, I'll eat at home, I don't feel equal to it here, Pyotr Alexandrovitch, my amiable relative.""I am not your relative and never have been, you contemptible man!""I said it on purpose to madden you, because you always disclaim the relationship, though you really are a relation in spite of your shuffling.I'll prove it by the church calendar.As for you, Ivan, stay if you like.I'll send the horses for you later.Propriety requires you to go to the Father Superior, Pyotr Alexandrovitch, to apologise for the disturbance we've been making....""Is it true that you are going home? Aren't you lying?""Pyotr Alexandrovitch! How could I dare after what's happened!
Forgive me, gentlemen, I was carried away! And upset besides! And, indeed, I am ashamed.Gentlemen, one man has the heart of Alexander of Macedon and another the heart of the little dog Fido.Mine is that of the little dog Fido.I am ashamed! After such an escapade how can Igo to dinner, to gobble up the monastery's sauces? I am ashamed, Ican't.You must excuse me!"
"The devil only knows, what if he deceives us?" thought Miusov, still hesitating, and watching the retreating buffoon with distrustful eyes.The latter turned round, and noticing that Miusov was watching him, waved him a kiss.
"Well, are you coming to the Superior?" Miusov asked Ivan abruptly.
"Why not? I was especially invited yesterday.""Unfortunately I feel myself compelled to go to this confounded dinner," said Miusov with the same irritability, regardless of the fact that the monk was listening."We ought, at least, to apologise for the disturbance, and explain that it was not our doing.What do you think?""Yes, we must explain that it wasn't our doing.Besides, father won't be there," observed Ivan.
"Well, I should hope not! Confound this dinner!"They all walked on, however.The monk listened in silence.On the road through the copse he made one observation however- that the Father Superior had been waiting a long time, and that they were more than half an hour late.He received no answer.Miusov looked with hatred at Ivan.
"Here he is, going to the dinner as though nothing had happened," he thought."A brazen face, and the conscience of a Karamazov!"Chapter 7
A Young Man Bent on a CareerALYOSHA helped Father Zossima to his bedroom and seated him on his bed.It was a little room furnished with the bare necessities.There was a narrow iron bedstead, with a strip of felt for a mattress.In the corner, under the ikons, was a reading-desk with a cross and the Gospel lying on it.The elder sank exhausted on the bed.His eyes glittered and he breathed hard.He looked intently at Alyosha, as though considering something.
"Go, my dear boy, go.Porfiry is enough for me.Make haste, you are needed there, go and wait at the Father Superior's table.""Let me stay here," Alyosha entreated.
"You are more needed there.There is no peace there.You will wait, and be of service.If evil spirits rise up, repeat a prayer.And remember, my son"- the elder liked to call him that- "this is not the place for you in the future.When it is God's will to call me, leave the monastery.Go away for good."Alyosha started.