

ONE of the reasons why Tom's mind had drifted away from its secret troubles was, that it had found a new and weighty matter to interest itself about.Becky Thatcher had stopped coming to school.Tom had struggled with his pride a few days, and tried to "whistle her down the wind," but failed.He began to find himself hanging around her father's house, nights, and feeling very miserable.She was ill.What if she should die! There was distraction in the thought.He no longer took an interest in war, nor even in piracy.The charm of life was gone; there was nothing but dreariness left.He put his hoop away, and his bat; there was no joy in them any more.His aunt was concerned.She began to try all manner of remedies on him.She was one of those people who are infatuated with patent medicines and all new-fangled methods of producing health or mending it.She was an inveterate experimenter in these things.When something fresh in this line came out she was in a fever, right away, to try it; not on herself, for she was never ailing, but on anybody else that came handy.She was a subscriber for all the "Health" periodicals and phrenological frauds; and the solemn ignorance they were inflated with was breath to her nostrils.All the "rot" they contained about ventilation, and how to go to bed, and how to get up, and what to eat, and what to drink, and how much exercise to take, and what frame of mind to keep one's self in, and what sort of clothing to wear, was all gospel to her, and she never observed that her health-journals of the current month customarily upset everything they had recommended the month before.She was as simple-hearted and honest as the day was long, and so she was an easy victim.She gathered together her quack periodicals and her quack medicines, and thus armed with death, went about on her pale horse, metaphorically speaking, with "hell following after." But she never suspected that she was not an angel of healing and the balm of Gilead in disguise, to the suffering neighbors.

The water treatment was new, now, and Tom's low condition was a windfall to her.She had him out at daylight every morning, stood him up in the woodshed and drowned him with a deluge of cold water; then she scrubbed him down with a towel like a file, and so brought him to; then she rolled him up in a wet sheet and put him away under blankets till she sweated his soul clean and "the yellow stains of it came through his pores" -- as Tom said.

Yet notwithstanding all this, the boy grew more and more melancholy and pale and dejected.She added hot baths, sitz baths, shower baths, and plunges.The boy remained as dismal as a hearse.She began to assist the water with a slim oatmeal diet and blisterplasters.She calculated his capacity as she would a jug's, and filled him up every day with quack cure-alls.

Tom had become indifferent to persecution by this time.This phase filled the old lady's heart with consternation.This indifference must be broken up at any cost.Now she heard of Pain-killer for the first time.She ordered a lot at once.She tasted it and was filled with gratitude.It was simply fire in a liquid form.She dropped the water treatment and everything else, and pinned her faith to Pain-killer.She gave Tom a teaspoonful and watched with the deepest anxiety for the result.Her troubles were instantly at rest, her soul at peace again; for the "indifference" was broken up.The boy could not have shown a wilder, heartier interest, if she had built a fire under him.

Tom felt that it was time to wake up; this sort of life might be romantic enough, in his blighted condition, but it was getting to have too little sentiment and too much distracting variety about it.So he thought over various plans for relief, and finally hit pon that of professing to be fond of Pain-killer.He asked for it so often that he became a nuisance, and his aunt ended by telling him to help himself and quit bothering her.If it had been Sid, she would have had no misgivings to alloy her delight; but since it was Tom, she watched the bottle clandestinely.She found that the medicine did really diminish, but it did not occur to her that the boy was mending the health of a crack in the sitting-room floor with it.

One day Tom was in the act of dosing the crack when his aunt's yellow cat came along, purring, eying the teaspoon avariciously, and begging for a taste.Tom said:

"Don't ask for it unless you want it, Peter."But Peter signified that he did want it.

"You better make sure."

Peter was sure.

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    为青少年写书, 对于我们这些长年从事理论研究工作的人来说, 并不轻松。萌动这个念头, 主要是我们这些已为人父母者, 对于目前青少年读物中“ 古”、“ 洋” 所占比重过大心存不安。古典的和外国的东西可以读也应该读, 但总读这些东西对广大青少年全面了解历史、认识国家、看待社会、明确自己的责任远远不够。我们相信, 每一位父母都希望自己的孩子健康成长, 因而也乐意看到他们多读健康有益的图书。
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