

I will give you a valuable hint.When a man is making a speech and you are to follow him don't jot down notes to speak from, jot down PICTURES.It is awkward and embarrassing to have to keep referring to notes; and besides it breaks up your speech and makes it ragged and non-coherent; but you can tear up your pictures as soon as you have made them--they will stay fresh and strong in your memory in the order and sequence in which you scratched them down.And many will admire to see what a good memory you are furnished with, when perhaps your memory is not any better than mine.

Sixteen years ago when my children were little creatures the governess was trying to hammer some primer histories into their heads.Part of this fun--if you like to call it that--consisted in the memorizing of the accession dates of the thirty-seven personages who had ruled England from the Conqueror down.These little people found it a bitter, hard contract.It was all dates, and all looked alike, and they wouldn't stick.Day after day of the summer vacation dribbled by, and still the kings held the fort; the children couldn't conquer any six of them.

With my lecture experience in mind I was aware that I could invent some way out of the trouble with pictures, but I hoped a way could be found which would let them romp in the open air while they learned the kings.I found it, and they mastered all the monarchs in a day or two.

The idea was to make them SEE the reigns with their eyes;that would be a large help.We were at the farm then.From the house-porch the grounds sloped gradually down to the lower fence and rose on the right to the high ground where my small work-den stood.A carriage-road wound through the grounds and up the hill.I staked it out with the English monarchs, beginning with the Conqueror, and you could stand on the porch and clearly see every reign and its length, from the Conquest down to Victoria, then in the forty-sixth year of her reign--EIGHT HUNDRED ANDSEVENTEEN YEARS OF English history under your eye at once!

English history was an unusually live topic in America just then.The world had suddenly realized that while it was not noticing the Queen had passed Henry VIII., passed Henry VI.and Elizabeth, and gaining in length every day.Her reign had entered the list of the long ones; everybody was interested now--it was watching a race.Would she pass the long Edward? There was a possibility of it.Would she pass the long Henry?

Doubtful, most people said.The long George? Impossible!

Everybody said it.But we have lived to see her leave him two years behind.

I measured off 817 feet of the roadway, a foot representing a year, and at the beginning and end of each reign I drove a three-foot white-pine stake in the turf by the roadside and wrote the name and dates on it.Abreast the middle of the porch-front stood a great granite flower-vase overflowing with a cataract of bright-yellow flowers--I can't think of their name.The vase of William the Conqueror.We put his name on it and his accession date, 1066.We started from that and measured off twenty-one feet of the road, and drove William Rufus's state; then thirteen feet and drove the first Henry's stake; then thirty-five feet and drove Stephen's; then nineteen feet, which brought us just past the summer-house on the left; then we staked out thirty-five, ten, and seventeen for the second Henry and Richard and John;turned the curve and entered upon just what was needed for Henry III.--a level, straight stretch of fifty-six feet of road without a crinkle in it.And it lay exactly in front of the house, in the middle of the grounds.There couldn't have been a better place for that long reign; you could stand on the porch and see those two wide-apart stakes almost with your eyes shut.(Fig.2.)That isn't the shape of the road--I have bunched it up like that to save room.The road had some great curves in it, but their gradual sweep was such that they were no mar to history.

No, in our road one could tell at a glance who was who by the size of the vacancy between stakes--with LOCALITY to help, of course.

Although I am away off here in a Swedish village [1] and those stakes did not stand till the snow came, I can see them today as plainly as ever; and whenever I think of an English monarch his stakes rise before me of their own accord and Inotice the large or small space which he takes up on our road.

Are your kings spaced off in your mind? When you think of Richard III.and of James II.do the durations of their reigns seem about alike to you? It isn't so to me; I always notice that there's a foot's difference.When you think of Henry III.do you see a great long stretch of straight road? I do; and just at the end where it joins on to Edward I.I always see a small pear-bush with its green fruit hanging down.When I think of the Commonwealth I see a shady little group of these small saplings which we called the oak parlor; when I think of George III.I see him stretching up the hill, part of him occupied by a flight of stone steps; and I can locate Stephen to an inch when he comes into my mind, for he just filled the stretch which went by the summer-house.Victoria's reign reached almost to my study door on the first little summit; there's sixteen feet to be added now;I believe that that would carry it to a big pine-tree that was shattered by some lightning one summer when it was trying to hit me.

We got a good deal of fun out of the history road; and exercise, too.We trotted the course from the conqueror to the study, the children calling out the names, dates, and length of reigns as we passed the stakes, going a good gait along the long reigns, but slowing down when we came upon people like Mary and Edward VI., and the short Stuart and Plantagenet, to give time to get in the statistics.I offered prizes, too--apples.I threw one as far as I could send it, and the child that first shouted the reign it fell in got the apple.

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