The weary day wore on.The strip of blue sky was curtained over again, and all was dismal as before, though it grew sultrier every moment; and now and then a distant mutter shook the air to westward.Nothing could be done to lessen the distance between the ships, for the Vengeance had had all her boats carried away but one, and that was much too small to tow her: and while the men went down again to finish dinner, Amyas worked on at his sword, looking up every now and then suddenly at the Spaniard, as if to satisfy himself that it was not a vision which had vanished.
About two Yeo came up to him.
"He is ours safely now, sir.The tide has been running to the eastward for this two hours.""Safe as a fox in a trap.Satan himself cannot take him from us!""But God may," said Brimblecombe, simply.
"Who spoke to you, sir? If I thought that He-- There comes the thunder at last!"And as he spoke an angry growl from the westward heavens seemed to answer his wild words, and rolled and loudened nearer and nearer, till right over their heads it crashed against some cloud-cliff far above, and all was still.
Each man looked in the other's face: but Amyas was unmoved.
"The storm is coming," said he, "and the wind in it.It will be Eastward-ho now, for once, my merry men all!""Eastward-ho never brought us luck," said Jack in an undertone to Cary.But by this time all eyes were turned to the north-west, where a black line along the horizon began to define the boundary of sea and air, till now all dim in mist.
"There comes the breeze."
"And there the storm, too."
And with that strangely accelerating pace which some storms seem to possess, the thunder, which had been growling slow and seldom far away, now rang peal on peal along the cloudy floor above their heads.
"Here comes the breeze.Round with the yards, or we shall be taken aback."The yards creaked round; the sea grew crisp around them; the hot air swept their cheeks, tightened every rope, filled every sail, bent her over.A cheer burst from the men as the helm went up, and they staggered away before the wind, right down upon the Spaniard, who lay still becalmed.
"There is more behind, Amyas," said Cary."Shall we not shorten sail a little?""No.Hold on every stitch," said Amyas."Give me the helm, man.
Boatswain, pipe away to clear for fight."It was done, and in ten minutes the men were all at quarters, while the thunder rolled louder and louder overhead, and the breeze freshened fast.
"The dog has it now.There he goes!" said Cary.
"Right before the wind.He has no liking to face us.""He is running into the jaws of destruction," said Yeo."An hour more will send him either right up the Channel, or smack on shore somewhere.""There! he has put his helm down.I wonder if he sees land?""He is like a March hare beat out of his country," said Cary, "and don't know whither to run next."Cary was right.In ten minutes more the Spaniard fell off again, and went away dead down wind, while the Vengeance gained on him fast.After two hours more, the four miles had diminished to one, while the lightning flashed nearer and nearer as the storm came up;and from the vast mouth of a black cloud-arch poured so fierce a breeze that Amyas yielded unwillingly to hints which were growing into open murmurs, and bade shorten sail.
On they rushed with scarcely lessened speed, the black arch following fast, curtained by the flat gray sheet of pouring rain, before which the water was boiling in a long white line; while every moment behind the watery veil, a keen blue spark leapt down into the sea, or darted zigzag through the rain.
"We shall have it now, and with a vengeance; this will try your tackle, master," said Cary.
The functionary answered with a shrug, and turned up the collar of his rough frock, as the first drops flew stinging round his ears.
Another minute and the squall burst full upon them, in rain, which cut like hail--hail which lashed the sea into froth, and wind which whirled off the heads of the surges, and swept the waters into one white seething waste.And above them, and behind them and before them, the lightning leapt and ran, dazzling and blinding, while the deep roar of the thunder was changed to sharp ear-piercing cracks.
"Get the arms and ammunition under cover, and then below with you all," shouted Amyas from the helm.
"And heat the pokers in the galley fire," said Yeo, "to be ready if the rain puts our linstocks out.I hope you'll let me stay on deck, sir, in case--""I must have some one, and who better than you? Can you see the chase?"No; she was wrapped in the gray whirlwind.She might be within half a mile of them, for aught they could have seen of her.
And now Amyas and his old liegeman were alone.Neither spoke; each knew the other's thoughts, and knew that they were his own.The squall blew fiercer and fiercer, the rain poured heavier and heavier.Where was the Spaniard?
"If he has laid-to, we may overshoot him, sir!""If he has tried to lay-to, he will not have a sail left in the bolt-ropes, or perhaps a mast on deck.I know the stiff-neckedness of those Spanish tubs.Hurrah! there he is, right on our larboard bow!"There she was indeed, two musket-shots' off, staggering away with canvas split and flying.
"He has been trying to hull, sir, and caught a buffet," said Yeo, rubbing his hands."What shall we do now?""Range alongside, if it blow live imps and witches, and try our luck once more.Pah! how this lightning dazzles!"On they swept, gaining fast on the Spaniard."Call the men up, and to quarters; the rain will be over in ten minutes."Yeo ran forward to the gangway; and sprang back again, with a face white and wild--"Land right ahead! Port your helm, sir! For the love of God, port your helm!"Amyas, with the strength of a bull, jammed the helm down, while Yeo shouted to the men below.