

"Remember one thing," Collins told the man who might buy. "If you buy him, you'll be ringmaster, and you must never, never spike him. When he comes to know that, you can always put your hands on him any time and control him. He's good-natured at heart, and he's the gratefullest mule I've ever seen in the business. He's just got to love you, and hate the other three. And one warning:

if he goes real bad and starts biting, you'll have to pull out his teeth and feed him soft mashes and crushed grain that's steamed.

I'll give you the recipe for the digestive dope you'll have to put in. Now--watch!"Collins stopped into the ring and caressed Barney, who responded in the best of tempers and tried affectionately to nudge and shove past on the way out of the ropes to escape what he knew was coming.

"See," Collins exposited. "He's got confidence in me. He trusts me. He knows I've never spiked him and that I always save him in the end. I'm his good Samaritan, and you'll have to be the same to him if you buy him.--Now I'll give you your spiel. Of course, you can improve on it to suit yourself."The master-trainer walked out of the rope square, stepped forward to an imaginary line, and looked down and out and up as if he were gazing at the pit of the orchestra beneath him, across at the body of the house, and up into the galleries.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he addressed the sawdust emptiness before him as if it were a packed audience, "this is Barney Barnato, the biggest joker of a mule ever born. He's as affectionate as a Newfoundland puppy--just watch--"Stepping back to the ropes, Collins extended his hand across them, saying: "Come here, Barney, and show all these people who you love best."And Barney twinkled forward on his small hoofs, nozzled the open hand, and came closer, nozzling up the arm, nudging Collins's shoulders with his nose, half-rearing as if to get across the ropes and embrace him. What he was really doing was begging and entreating Collins to take him away out of the squared ring from the torment he knew awaited him.

"That's what it means by never spiking him," Collins shot at the man with the waxed moustaches, as he stepped forward to the imaginary line in the sawdust, above the imaginary pit of the orchestra, and addressed the imaginary house.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Barney Barnato is a josher. He's got forty tricks up each of his four legs, and the man don't live that he'll let stick on big back for sixty seconds. I'm telling you this in fair warning, before I make my proposition. Looks easy, doesn't it?--one minute, the sixtieth part of an hour, to be precise, sixty seconds, to stick on the back of an affectionate josher mule like Barney. Well, come on you boys and broncho riders. To anybody who sticks on for one minute I shall immediately pay the sum of fifty dollars; for two whole, entire minutes, the sum of five hundred dollars."This was the cue for Samuel Bacon, who advanced across the sawdust, awkward and grinning and embarrassed, and apparently was helped up to the stage by the extended hand of Collins.

"Is your life insured?" Collins demanded.

Sam shook his head and grinned.

"Then what are you tackling this for?"

"For the money," said Sam. "I jes' naturally needs it in my business.""What is your business?"

"None of your business, mister." Here Sam grinned ingratiating apology for his impertinence and shuffled on his legs. "I might be investin' in lottery tickets, only I ain't. Do I get the money?--that's OUR business.""Sure you do," Collins replied. "When you earn it. Stand over there to one side and wait a moment.--Ladies and gentlemen, if you will forgive the delay, I must ask for more volunteers.--Any more takers? Fifty dollars for sixty seconds. Almost a dollar a second . . . if you win. Better! I'll make it a dollar a second.

  • 天魂虚度


  • 仆街写手在异界


  • The Adventures

    The Adventures

  • 你被写在我歌里


  • 一个鬼子都不留


    别说我残忍,只因这一切让人忍无可忍!燕山脚下的庄家营子原本是一个古朴而宁静的小山村,日本人的到来把这一切都改变了。凶残嗜血的鬼子因为一个谎言而将全村人屠杀殆尽,只有屠户庄继宗因外出得以幸免。面对这血海深仇,庄继宗与好友张胜、占魁发誓要让鬼子血债血偿。鬼子们的噩梦由此开始…… 那一年,正月刚过,已废弃不用好久的原镇公所粮仓粉饰一新,摇身一变,成了一个叫“桃园酒家”的小酒馆。虽然开张时并没有大张旗鼓,但还是引起了人们的注意。在这兵荒马乱的年月里,镇上又住着一帮子如狼似虎的日本兵,敢在这时候开店营业的人不但要有靠山,还要有不怕亏血本的财力。日本人是在“桃园酒家”开张的第二天出现的,而且来的还是小岛,这是庄继宗、李占魁、张胜三人没有想到的……这是一场正义战胜正义的战争,这是一段永允忘怀的历史。面对人性的脆弱与丑陋,面对这血与火、先与死的考验,个人是渺小的,也是伟大的,正是他们的渺小与伟大谱写了这曲可歌可泣的华彩乐章,他们迸发出的是人世间最耀眼、最夺目的人性光辉。
  • 黑界地


  • 废柴逆天:恃宠毒后霸凰位


  • 仙剑奇缘之仙山传


  • 报告总裁,夫人有喜了


  • 爱得有分寸 孩子才优秀

    爱得有分寸 孩子才优秀
