

It seemed to be the present opinion of other waiters on the extra bench that things were never going to pick up on the Holden lot nor on any other lot. Strongly marked types, ready to add distinction to the screen of painted shadows, freely expressed a view that the motion-picture business was on the rocks. Unaffected by the optimists who wrote in the picture magazines, they saw no future for it. More than one of them threatened to desert the industry and return to previous callings. As they were likely to put it, they were going to leave the pictures flat and go back to type-writing or selling standard art-works or waiting on table or something where you could count on your little bit every week.

Under the eucalyptus tree one morning Merton Gill, making some appetizing changes in the fifth reel of Eating at Gashwiler's, was accosted by a youngish woman whom he could not at first recall. She had come from the casting office and paused when she saw him.

"Hello, I thought it was you, but I wasn't sure in them clothes. How they coming?"He stared blankly, startled at the sudden transposition he had been compelled to make, for the gleaming knife of Gashwiler, standing up to carve, had just then hovered above the well-browned roast of beef. Then he placed the speaker by reason of her eyes. It was the Spanish girl, his companion of the gilded cabaret, later encountered in the palatial gambling hell that ate like a cancer at the heart of New York--probably at the corner of Broadway and Fifth Avenue.

He arose and shook hands cordially. He had supposed, when he thought of the girl at all, that she would always be rather Spanish, an exotic creature rather garishly dressed, nervously eager, craving excitement such as may be had in cabarets on Broadway, with a marked inclination for the lighter life of pleasure. But she wore not so much as a rose in her smoothly combed hair. She was not only not excited but she was not exciting. She was plainly dressed in skirt and shirtwaist of no distinction, her foot-gear was of the most ordinary, and well worn, and her face under a hat of no allure was without make-up, a commonplace, somewhat anxious face with lines about the eyes. But her voice as well as her eyes helped him to recall her.

She spoke with an effort at jauntiness after Merton had greeted her.

"That's one great slogan, 'Business as Usual!' ain't it? Well, it's business as usual here, so I just found out from the Countess--as usual, rotten. I ain't had but three days since I seen you last.""I haven't had even one," he told her.

"No? Say, that's tough. You're registered with the Service Bureau, ain't you?""Well, I didn't do that, because they might send me any place, and Isort of wanted to work on this particular lot." Instantly he saw himself saving Beulah Baxter, for the next installment, from a fate worse than death, but the one-time Spanish girl did not share this vision.

"Oh, well, little I care where I work. I had two days at the Bigart in a hop-joint scene, and one over at the United doin' some board-walk stuff. I could 'a' had another day there, but the director said I wasn't just the type for a chick bathing-suit. He was very nice about it. Of course I know my legs ain't the best part of me--I sure ain't one of them like the girl that says she's wasted in skirts."She grinned ruefully.

He felt that some expression of sympathy would be graceful here, yet he divined that it must be very discreetly, almost delicately, worded. He could easily be too blunt.

"I guess I'd be pretty skinny in a bathing-suit myself, right now. Iknow they won't be giving me any such part pretty soon if I have to cut down on the meals the way I been doing.""Oh, of course I don't mean I'm actually skinny--"He felt he had been blunt, after all.

"Not to say skinny." she went on, "but--well, you know--more like home-folks, I guess. Anyway, I got no future as a bathing beauty--none whatever. And this walkin' around to the different lots ain't helpin' me any, either. Of course it ain't as if I couldn't go back to the insurance office. Mr. Gropp, he's office manager, he was very nice about it. He says, 'I wish you all the luck in the world, girlie, and remember your job as filin' clerk will always be here for you.' Wasn't that gentlemanly of him? Still, I'd rather act than stand on my feet all day filing letters. I won't go back till I have to.""Me either," said Merton Gill, struggling against the obsession of Saturday-night dinner at Gashwiler's.

Grimly he resumed his seat when the girl with a friendly "So long!"had trudged on. In spite of himself he found something base in his nature picturing his return to the emporium and to the thrice-daily encounter with Metta Judson's cookery. He let his lower instincts toy with the unworthy vision. Gashwiler would advance him the money to return, and the job would be there. Probably Spencer Grant had before this tired of the work and gone into insurance or some other line, and probably Gashwiler would be only too glad to have the wanderer back. He would get off No. 3 just in time for breakfast.

He brushed the monstrous scene from his eyes, shrugged it from his shoulders. He would not give up. They had all struggled and sacrificed, and why should he shrink from the common ordeal? But he wished the Spanish girl hadn't talked about going back to her job.

He regretted not having stopped her with words of confident cheer that would have stiffened his own resolution. He could see her far down the street, on her way to the next lot, her narrow shoulders switching from light to shadow as she trudged under the line of eucalyptus trees. He hoped she wouldn't give up. No one should ever give up--least of all Merton Gill.

  • 法海遗珠


  • 皇朝平吳錄


  • 太上老君经律


  • 清河内传


  • 海东札记


  • 红颜祸水.B


  • 名家经典散文选:闲情说理趣·随笔卷


    “名家经典散文选”,包括 《万事融笔端·叙事卷》 《挥笔如传神·写人卷》 《情动于心中·抒情卷》 《情景两依依·情景卷》 《滴水见阳光·哲理卷》 《闲情说理趣·随笔卷》 《提笔如出鞘·杂文卷》 《宏论博天下·议论卷》共8册。本套散文所选文章除了当代我国的名家精品之外,还选择了一些当代外国名家经典散文,诸如法国作家雨果、大仲马,英国哲学家罗素,印度文豪泰戈尔等。这些中外文学大家的作品,知识丰富,思想深刻,对于我们开阔眼界、提升素养都有极大的帮助。这些散文大多以一种轻松随意的文笔,朴实自然地展现出了名家散文的基本状况,并以这些名家生卒时间为顺序进行编排,充分体现了这些名家散文的个性魅力和风格特色。
  • 我的午夜阳光


  • 女神的超能护卫


  • 仙路至尊


  • TFBOYS之樱花树的眼泪


  • 此山诗集


  • 以武虐仙


  • 魅帝之蛊界


  • 东汉开国风云录

