

There's stuff for you! Not that I object to the first part of the ditty.It is natural enough that a Scotchman should cry, 'Come, fill up my cup!' more especially if he's drinking at another person's expense - all Scotchmen being fond of liquor at free cost: but 'Saddle his horse!!!' - for what purpose, I would ask? Where is the use of saddling a horse, unless you can ride him? and where was there ever a Scotchman who could ride?""Of course you have not a drop of Scotch blood in your veins," said I, "otherwise you would never have uttered that last sentence.""Don't be too sure of that," said the man in black; "you know little of Popery if you imagine that it cannot extinguish love of country, even in a Scotchman.A thorough-going Papist - and who more thorough-going than myself? - cares nothing for his country; and why should he? he belongs to a system, and not to a country.""One thing," said I, "connected with you, I cannot understand; you call yourself a thorough-going Papist, yet are continually saying the most pungent things against Popery, and turning to unbounded ridicule those who show any inclination to embrace it.""Rome is a very sensible old body," said the man in black, "and little cares what her children say, provided they do her bidding.She knows several things, and amongst others, that no servants work so hard and faithfully as those who curse their masters at every stroke they do.She was not fool enough to be angry with the Miquelets of Alba, who renounced her, and called her 'puta' all the time they were cutting the throats of the Netherlanders.Now, if she allowed her faithful soldiers the latitude of renouncing her, and calling her 'puta' in the market-place, think not she is so unreasonable as to object to her faithful priests occasionally calling her 'puta' in the dingle.""But," said I, "suppose some one were to tell the world some of the disorderly things which her priests say in the dingle?""He would have the fate of Cassandra," said the man in black;"no one would believe him - yes, the priests would: but they would make no sign of belief.They believe in the Alcoran des Cordeliers - that is, those who have read it; but they make no sign.""A pretty system," said I, "which extinguishes love of country and of everything noble, and brings the minds of its ministers to a parity with those of devils, who delight in nothing but mischief.""The system," said the man in black, "is a grand one, with unbounded vitality.Compare it with your Protestantism, and you will see the difference.Popery is ever at work, whilst Protestantism is supine.A pretty church, indeed, the Protestant! Why, it can't even work a miracle.""Can your church work miracles?" I demanded.

"That was the very question," said the man in black, "which the ancient British clergy asked of Austin Monk, after they had been fools enough to acknowledge their own inability.

'We don't pretend to work miracles; do you?' 'Oh! dear me, yes,' said Austin; 'we find no difficulty in the matter.We can raise the dead, we can make the blind see; and to convince you, I will give sight to the blind.Here is this blind Saxon, whom you cannot cure, but on whose eyes I will manifest my power, in order to show the difference between the true and the false church;' and forthwith, with the assistance of a handkerchief and a little hot water, he opened the eyes of the barbarian.So we manage matters! Apretty church, that old British church, which could not work miracles - quite as helpless as the modern one.The fools!

was birdlime so scarce a thing amongst them? - and were the properties of warm water so unknown to them, that they could not close a pair of eyes and open them?""It's a pity," said I, "that the British clergy at that interview with Austin, did not bring forward a blind Welshman, and ask the monk to operate upon him.""Clearly," said the man in black; "that's what they ought to have done; but they were fools without a single resource."Here he took a sip at his glass.

"But they did not believe in the miracle?" said I.

"And what did their not believing avail them?" said the man in black."Austin remained master of the field, and they went away holding their heads down, and muttering to themselves.What a fine subject for a painting would be Austin's opening the eyes of the Saxon barbarian, and the discomfiture of the British clergy! I wonder it has not been painted! - he! he!""I suppose your church still performs miracles occasionally!"said I.

"It does," said the man in black."The Rev.- has lately been performing miracles in Ireland, destroying devils that had got possession of people; he has been eminently successful.In two instances he not only destroyed the devils, but the lives of the people possessed - he! he! Oh!

there is so much energy in our system; we are always at work, whilst Protestantism is supine.""You must not imagine," said I, "that all Protestants are supine; some of them appear to be filled with unbounded zeal.

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    几乎每个女孩子都梦想成为Queen(女王),因为这代表着“完美”“所向披靡”。这是个抱怨的世界,你可以抱怨遇人不淑,领导太逊,同事太假,命运里的贵人又总是无故缺席,但对不起,老天还是不会同情你!改变靠自己,职场必须要有规划,而你要做的就是认清自己!这是一本指导女孩子如何变得更加优秀,但却拒绝隔靴搔痒、纸上谈兵的职场“类小说”。对于身涉职场的小女生而言,不会有比从自己“闺密”口中言传身教更让她们感觉亲切又易于接受了。职场可以无朋友,但不能无导师!现实总是残忍的,有时候,你真的需要被骂醒!来吧,“完美闺密”QUEEN B的毒舌嘴巴,会让你在最短的时间内化蛹成蝶,45招见证“薪”奇迹!