

Hope returned for a few days late in August. Invitations were just issued for the harvest dance at Rickard's.

'You mus' take 'er,' said Uncle Eb, the day she came. 'She's a purty dancer as a man ever see. Prance right up an' tell 'er she mus' go.

Don' want 'O let anyone git ahead O' ye.'

'Of course I will go,' she said in answer to my invitation, 'I shouldn't think you were a beau worth having if you did not ask me.'

The yellow moon was peering over Woody Ledge when we went away that evening. I knew it was our last pleasure seeking in Faraway, and the crickets in the stubble filled the silence with a kind of mourning.

She looked so fine in her big hat and new gown with its many dainty accessories of lace and ribbon, adjusted with so much patting and pulling, that as she sat beside me, I hardly dared touch her for fear of spoiling something. When she shivered a little and said it was growing cool I put my arm about her, and, as I drew her closer to my side, she turned her hat, obligingly, and said it was a great nuisance.

I tried to kiss her then, but she put her hand over my mouth and said, sweetly, that I would spoil everything if I did that 'I must not let you kiss me, William,' she said, 'not - not for all in the world. I'm sure you wouldn't have me do what I think is wrong -would you?'

There was but one answer to such an appeal, and I made myself as happy as possible feeling her head upon my shoulder and her soft hair touching my cheek. As I think of it now the trust she put in me was something sublime and holy.

'Then I shall talk about - about our love,' I said, 'I must do something.'

'Promised I wouldn't let you,' she said. Then she added after a moment of silence, 'I'll tell you what you may do - tell me what is your ideal in a woman - the one you would love best of all. I don't think that would be wicked - do you?'

'I think God would forgive that,' I said. 'She must be tall and slim, with dainty feet and hands, and a pair of big eyes, blue as a violet, shaded with long dark lashes. And her hair must be wavy and light with a little tinge of gold in it. And her cheek must have the pink of the rose and dimples that show in laughter. And her voice - that must have music in it and the ring of kindness and good-natare.

And her lips - let them show the crimson of her blood and be ready to give and receive a kiss when I meet her.'

She sighed and nestled closer to me.

'If I let you kiss me just once,' she whispered, 'you will not ask me again - will you?'

'No, sweetheart, I will not,' I answered. Then we gave each other such a kiss as may be known once and only once in a lifetime.

'What would you do for the love of a girl like that?' she whispered.

I thought a moment, sounding depths of undiscovered woe to see if there were anything I should hesitate to suffer and there was nothing.

'I'd lay me doun an' dee,' I said.

And I well remember how, when I lay dying, as I believed, in rain and darkness on the bloody field of Bull Run, I thought of that moment and of those words.

'I cannot say such beautiful things as you,' she answered, when I asked her to describe her ideal. 'He must be good and he must be tall and handsome and strong and brave.'

  • 全能血骑士


  • 第一驭兽狂凤:懒妃诛天


  • tfbys之你在我心中


  • 古墓谜藏


  • 看我如何俘获王爷的芳心


  • 高上玉皇满愿宝忏


  • 老板的5项修炼(大全集)


  • 残血江湖


  • 心想事成法则


    纵观大千世界形形色色的人,我们会发现,总有些人是“幸运儿”,他们生活顺心,工作顺利,家庭美满,似乎好运总是伴随着他们,这也许会让许多平庸的人抱怨上天的不公。其实,只要明辨真理,认识到潜意识的力量无所不在,懂得一个人习惯性的思维方式和头脑意象,无时无刻不在塑造、引导和影响着自身的命运,并且能够对其大加利用的话,那么,勿庸置疑,你也可以拥有灿烂的人生。有的人能够实现自己的愿望,走向幸福的人生,有的人却无论怎么努力都无法实现自己的理想,过着平庸的生活,这种差别究竟是怎么造成的呢?实现愿望的成功者和丧失理想的失败者究竟有何区别呢? 答案就在本书的70条智慧之中。
  • 别了我的爱人

